********************************************************************** The Power Rangers Fanclub---Generation 2 Newsletter © The Newsletter of the Power Rangers Fanclub---Generation 2 Issue #1---November 15, 1999 "The Journey Beyond Time, Beyond Space Continues..." ********************************************************************** Table of Contents 1: The Return -------A New look, name, and attitude! 2: New Club Info/ New Members ------Welcome to the club! 3: The PR Answer Man ------The answers to the questions you wanna know! 4: You Can Quote Me on That! -----A Blast from the Past Favorite! 5: PR Polls -----New Polls! 6: Reader's Block -----Sit back and check out a fanfic! 7: The Scoop! -----Get the Info here first! 8: Member Profiles -----First Up, Me! 9: Top Ten List -----Another classic makes a comeback! 10: Saban Sightings! -----What have they been up to? 11: The PR Bulletin Board -----Looking for some merchandise? Well, look no further! 12: Pinkheart's Domain -----She gives her opinions! 13: Birthday Announcements! -----Happy Birthday! 14: Stretch ----Stretch this word! 15: Next Time On The G2 Newsletter! -----What's on next time? ***************************************************************************************** ********* The Return! By Donte Frazier ********* Hi Everyone and welcome to the Power Rangers Fanclub---Generation 2 newsletter! Hopefully, this nl will become on of the primere sources for fun and entertainment for PR on the net. :) Some of you may remember when this nl first really started. It was a little more than a year ago, in Feburary of 1998, when the D-Power Club Newsletter was born. I, Donte Frazier, had been recently reading some of Maxmouze's old Nls from his Power Rangers club, and decided to try my own. So, I set up a hotmail account, begged for members, and debuted the first NL on Feburary 28th, 1998, just a few weeks after PRiS had debuted. It was a small newsletter, not longer than 4 pages when printed up. But, it grew. 7 newsletters and 1 special issue later, I shut it down. It just didn't seem worth it. No one was really participating in the nls, and I became bored and stressed out because of it. It seemed I had failed as a nl editor. So, why start it up again, you ask? Well, I've had some time on the net, made a hit website, and made some good friends by now. I think I can pull it off this time. Especially since I have a computer at home now and don't have to work on the nls at school. So, prepare for the next generation of PR nls! The Power Rangers Fanclub---Generation 2 newsletter!! ***************************************************************************************** ********* New Club Info/ New Members! *********** Welcome to the club, these returning members: **** krissy@onlinemac.com---Krissy Moser spooon@home.com---Spooon And these new members: **** ceejay@mail.io.com --Trelliah sentairick@hotmail.com---SentaiRick PlutoPOWER@aol.com---Will blkarachnid@yahoo.com bluegeoranger@yahoo.com---Dina Lara celaran7@gateway.net---Cel cinders@gbasin.net DragonRanger09@aol.com Galactazord@Hotmail.com jedah44@hotmail.com---Hans Adolph mmpr7@hotmail.com---Ryan Palmer MrHill308@aol.com---Anthony Hill Signkat@aol.com---Mary Seltzer whitemorphinranger@yahoo.com winger@discover.net---Jake Self bronze_nitro2k@usa.net dunnchris@hotmail.com ivarionx@usa.net---Ivario Manon Thunder_Man101@hotmail.com---Jamison Brown ultimo_d@hotmail.com---Tyler Smith green_astro@yahoo.com---Robert MacIntyre JoelJ@webspan.net---Joel Johnson lavnderzeo@hotmail.com---Floreta Liu AGLO41570@aol.com---Angelique arnoldogando@yahoo.com---Arnold Ogando dagger@sunspot.tiac.net---Mike danstlcshrine@excite.com---Dan Descent9@hotmail.com MarianLeafeard@hotmail.com mstack229@aol.com---Micheal Stack purplelightstar@hotmail.com TPWiZ4@lgdatafiles.freeservers.com---Tim Johnson johnnyeagle@hotmail.com---Johhny Eagle busath@bellatlantic.net---Pete michealchasarae@yahoo.com---Chasarae Albert ScubaComic@aol.com carroll_jonathan@hotmail.com destinationunknown3@juno.com---Tim Armstrong piper@comteck.com---David Smith zeoranger5red@hotmail.com Welcome to the club everyone! And don't forget to tell your friends so we can get more members! :) **** Club Info: *** --Looking for a Vice-President for the Nl. If you're interested, e-mal me at prnlprez@hotmail.com --Looking for Chat Manager to plan the club chats. If you're interested, e-mail me at prnlprez@hotmail.com --Don't forget to watch Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy, weekday mornings on FoxKids! Do you like to chat with PR fans? **** Then go to http://www.mirc.com to download mIRC, a program that allows you to chat with fellow PR fans. Then go to http://personal.nbnet.nb.ca/sbolton/gettinghere.html and follow the instructions to get there. Other Rooms to check out besides #Alt-mmpr #Ko-35 #The_Juice_Bar #Terra_Venture #Power_Rangers Just type /join with the rooms' name after and you're in! ***************************************************************************************** ********* The PR Answer Man ****** Why was PR Taken off of Saturdays? Well, the simple truth was that FK thought that Monster Rancher (ugh!) would bring in the better ratings. And although I don't remember the exact ratings, I think it has. What happened to Valerie Vernon? Valerie had Leukemia and became very sick. Thus, she couldn't work on PR for awhile. For the detailed story, go to: http://www.collectibles2000.com/valerieaml1.htm When Will The PRLG Season Finale play? Either Saturdays in December, or weekdays in about two weeks. The date is very tentative and FoxKids is undecided as of now. Who runs FoxKids? The General Manager of FoxKids is Maureen Smith, but the Chairman and CEO of Fox Family worldwide is non-other than Haim Saban himself. Yes, Saban is ultimately in charge of FoxKids. If you have any PR questions you want answered, e-mail prnlprez@hotmail.com ***************************************************************************************** ********* You Can Quote Me On that! ******* This is one of the few things I ripped-off, uh, I mean borrowed from the original Newsletter by Maxmouze. The rules of the game are this. I will put up two quotes and your job is to tell me the name of the character who spoke the quote and the episode the quote appeared in. "I don't play that game" "You didn't step sideways...and Beth ran into you?" The second one is really tricky. Good luck! Send answers to prnlprez@hotmail.com ***************************************************************************************** ********* PR Polls **** These are several polls I have come up with for you PR fans. Answers will be up in the next Nl. ---Who is your favorite Non-Ranger human character on PRLG? A) Commander Stanton B) Bulk C) Professor Phenomenous D) High Councilor Renier E) High Councilor Brody ---Who is your favorite LG Ranger? A) Leo B) Damon C) Kai D) Kendrix E) Maya F) Karone G) Mike ---What is your favorite LG Megazord? A) Galaxy Megazord B) Defender Torozord C) Stratoforce Megazord D) Centaurus Megazord ---What has been your favorite episode this season so far? Why? Send answers to prnlprez@hotmail.com ***************************************************************************************** ********* Reader's Block ******** Disclaimer: I do not own the Rangers featured in this story. "Here Lie the Zords" by Tammi Jason Lee was walking down a street in Angel Grove. He saw an aluminum can lying on the sidewalk, and kicked it. Then he picked it up. "Why can't people just recycle these things?," he grumbled. "This can reminds me that I once had the Tyrannosaurus and Red Dragon at my command," he told himself. "Now they're gone forever. No one else knows what it's like to lose a Zord." "I do," someone said. Jason turned aroound and saw a tall Asian girl standing behind him. "Cassie?," he asked. "Yes," she answered. "Been a while, hasn't it?" "I'll say. I haven't seen you since our adventure on Kyrax." "Well, you're not the only one to lose a Zord. My team mates and I have lost the Turbo Zords, the Rescue Zords, the Delta Megazord, the Mega Voyager, and the Mega Winger. Plus, the Astromegaship is no longer here on Earth." "I know," Jason sighed. "I remember when the other male Rangers and I traveled to Kyrax in it to rescue you girls from the evil Hypnotron. Besides, all I lost was the Tyrannosaurus when the Dinozords were destroyed by Pirantishead. But Tommy told me, Trini, and Zack how Rito Revolto succeeded in blowing up the Thunderzords."'' The two ex-Rangers entered a convenience store. Jason turned in the can and got a nickel, while Cassie bought herself a bag of Doritos. After they left, they decided to go to the Surf Spot. As they passed an alley, something caught Cassie's eye. "Jason, did you see that?," she asked. "No, what did you see?" "It's in this alley. Let's have a look." They entered the alley, and saw a small object. "This device," Cassie said. "I've seen it before." "Where? When?" "On the planet Hercuron. We were there just after we destroyed two monsters with the Astro and Delta Megazords. The Phantom Ranger used it to communicate with use via a hologram of himself. The last thing he said was, 'I'll be all right, Cassie." Suddenly, just as before, an image of Phantom Ranger appeared. "I have something to show you," he said. Before either Jason or Cassie could respond, a ray of light came down from the sky, completely engulfing them. An instant later, they found themselves aboard a strange craft. "What's going on here?," Jason cried. "If I didn't know better," Cassie replied, "I'd say we're on Phantom Ranger's spaceship." "And so you are," Phantom said from the pilot's seat. "Where are you taking us?," Jason questioned him. "To Eltar. You want to see the Zords, don't you?" "I never said that," Jason protested. "Oh, come on Jason," Cassie said. "I'm curious. I'd like to see what became of the Zords." After a while, the ship arrived on Eltar. Phantom Ranger led Jason and Cassie to a fenced-in area, and unlocked the door. They went in and saw the old Zords. "Amazing!," Jason exclaimed. "This is like looking at cars in a junkyard." "This IS a junkyard," Cassie realized. "Only it's for Zords instead of cars." "Ahem," Phantom said. "Here on Eltar, it's called a resting place." The pair looked the place over. "Look," Jason said. "Here are all the Dino and Thunderzords." "And look over there," Cassie said. "I see the Turbo and Rescue Zords. Not to mention Delta Megazord, Mega Voyager, and Mega Winger." She pulled out her camera, and began taking pictures. "What are you doing?," Jason demanded to know. "Photographing the evidence. This is the only way to prove that this place exists. I'll have them developed when we get home." "Just a minute, Cassie," Jason cautioned. "You know you can't let just anyone develop those pictures." "I know. That's why I'm going to ask Zhane to do it. He develops pictures at the local K-Mart." Cassie finished photographing the Zords. "OK," she said. "I've used up all my film. Now I'm ready to leave." Phantom Ranger agreed that they should return to Earth. The three left the yard, and re-boarded the ship. Then they flew back to Earth. The minute they got home, Cassie went to the K-mart, and handed Zhane her roll of film. "Wait till you've developed these," she said. "You won't believe your eyes." The next day, Cassie returned to get her pictures. "You were right," Zhane said as he handed her the packet. "These photos ARE something else! If it weren't for them, I'd say you were either dreaming or making up a story." Cassie paid Zhane and thanked him. Then she went to the Surf Spot, and showed the photos to Tommy, Kat, Tanya, Adam, Rocky, Justin, Andros, T.J., Ashley, and Carlos. "These are incredible," Andros remarked, and the others agreed Cassie explained where she and Jason had been the day before. "Maybe someday, Phantom Ranger will show US that junkyard, too," Ashley said hopefully. "Correction," Cassie said. "You mean resting place." The End. If you have a short fanfic or a preview, e-mail it to prnlprez@hotmail.com ***************************************************************************************** ********* The Scoop! **** Do not go further if you don't like spoilers. * * * * S P O I L E R S ---Andros may make an appearence in The finale of LG. ---Trakeena will get into the cocoon and transform into an insect. Darienn Lombard, who has inside connections to the show has said that the action is very "Powerfull" in the finale and in fans' books it may just blow away C2D. ---The Next Incarnation of PR will be Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue ---Power Playback: OTO has been cancelled ---Casting for Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue has begun Send your Scoops to prnlprez@hotmail.com ***************************************************************************************** ********* Member Profiles ***** E-Mail Address: dontef@hotmail.com/prnlprez@hotmail.com Real Name: Donte Frazier Birthdate/Age: 6-9-83 / 16 Current Residence: Chicago, IL Fave Ranger(s): Billy, Andros, TJ, Maya, Leo Fave Episode(s): "Countdown To Destruction", "The Barrilian Sting", "The Secret of The Locket", "Quasar Quest Parts 1-2", "Redemption Day", "Destined For Greatness", "The Rescue Mission", "Power of Pink", "Facing The Past", "Enter The Lost Galaxy" Fave Quote: "We'll see who has regrets", "Destiny waits for no one" To Have your Profile up, e-mail it to prnlprez@hotmail.com ***************************************************************************************** ********* Top Ten List **** The Top Ten Reasons Donte brought the Newsletter back! 10. He was cleaning out his room and decided, "Hey, why not?" 9. He Became bored with his website even though it takes up all of his Saturdays to update. 8. He's out of his mind 7. His rpg took up all of his time, yet he got bored and wanted something else to do. 6. He loves the flames 5. He's out of his mind 4. Saban held a gun to his head and threatened him to bring back the awesome nls or else 3. He loves busywork 2. He wanted to die early from the stress that building and updating a huge website, running an rpg, checking 4 e-mail accounts, participating in another rpg, and writing an nl bring on. And the Number one reason Donte brought back the Newletters: HE'S OUT OF HIS MIND!!! Send your top ten lists to prnlprez@hotmail.com ***************************************************************************************** ********* Saban Sightings ********* Walter Jones was recently seen on an episode of "Buffy, The Vampire Slayer" Christopher Khayman Lee can be seen every Sunday on the WB, as Hayden Loring in "Safe Harbor" Archie Kao recently played "Steve" in two episodes of "Once and Again" on ABC Send your Saban Sightings to prnlprez@hotmail.com ***************************************************************************************** ********* The Power Rangers Bulletin Board ********** If you have an announcement or want to buy, sell, or ask for something, e-mail me at prnlprez@hotmail.com ***************************************************************************************** ********* PinkHeart's Domain ******* Hello and welcome to the inner workings of my mind. (At this point, someone enters and calls out "hello". The sound echos for a good five minutes, and PinkHeart listens to it before continuing.) OK...now that we've established that... Technically, this will be a little section where I will give my opinions, insights, observations, and such about what's going on, and what has gone on in the past, in PR. In actuality...get ready for some good, old-fashioned Saban-bashing! OK...there's a few things that I wanted to say this time. A few "observations" that I have made during all of the years that PR has been around. OK, so...here goes! Number one on my list...the whole "demorphing without the power coins" from the first three seasons. There's a reason that I bring this up. May I draw your attention to a few episodes that show a direct contrast to this. "The Green Candle pt. 2", "Return of an Old Friend pt.1", and "The Sound of Discordia". OK...so...don't you think that it would make sense that taking the power coin out of the morpher would make them demorph? Wouldn't that make sense? So...how come, in all of these eps, that didn't happen? I mean,in "The Green Candle pt.2", Tommy didn't demorph for a good deal of time after handing Jason his coin...and in "Return of an Old Friend pt.1", the Rangers didn't demorph until AFTER placing their power coins into the box that Goldar was holding...and in "The Sound of Discordia", Tommy had his power coin out of the morpher, and he was about to hand it to discordia, and yet he was still morphed. Um...seeing as they can't morph without having the coin in the morpher, shouldn't they not be able to remain morphed when the coin is no longer in the morpher? And then there's something about the whole Golden Wave from C2D...So...when it hit the Rangers, they demorphed then, right? I mean...we all saw that they didn't demorph themselves...it was the wave's doing (which is why I don't think that their powers should have been working anymore, but, I really don't care about that, 'cause I loved the team-up)...so...uh...how come when the wave touched Phantom Ranger, he didn't demorph? It would have made sense for him to...but Saban wanted to make us mad (what else is new?)...(Oh...and don't tell me that it's 'cause he didn't want to let us know who Phantom is...I know that...I just thought that he really, Really, REALLY messed up there...) Another thing...I'm just really fed up with this one, and I know that there's a whole bunch of others who feel the same way. How could they just dismiss the whole Leo/Kendrix thing that they built up in the first season with the wave of their hand? I mean...she died, and Leo was upset for, like,.2 seconds...Hello? Anyone else see something wrong with this? And then,they tried to put major spark-age between Leo and Karone...NO! NOT RIGHT!!!I mean...what happened to Karone and Zhane? I thought that they got together at the end of C2D...they definately liked each other... One more quick, quick question...is Deviot some sort of bad Darkonda impersonator? I mean...that whole thing in "Enter the Lost Galaxy"...come on...I mean...he took someone's energy in the same way that Darkonda merged with Ecliptor...he even DRIPPED the way that Darkonda did...what's up with that? But...no matter...I mean...KAI HAS A DESTINY!!! WOOOOO-HOOOOO! I was so waiting for them to give some glory to someone that isn't Leo...but...when Kai brought out those crystals in "Enter the Lost Galaxy", where did he pull them out of? (OK, so I lied...that wasn't the last question... but this next one is...I promise...) And...speaking of that ep...am I the only one who thinks that there are WAY too many Power Ups in this incarnation of PR? Or, at least, that's how I see it... 'Til next time...remember: Be alert...the world needs more lerts! :) -PinkHeart **************************************************************************************** ********* Birthday Announcements ********* Welcome to the PRNL--G2 Birthday announcements! It works like this: You send me your name, e-mail address, and birthday, and I'll list it in the newsletter during the month of your birthday! E-Mail your birthday info to prnlprez@hotmail.com ***************************************************************************************** ********* Stretch **** Here is how you play. I give you an object. For example, if I said "Car", you could say "A Car is something you drive, and the Power Rangers Drive the Astro Cycles". You stretch the object to make it PR-related. Have fun stretching! Today's stretch is "Bug" Send your stretch answers to prnlprez@hotmail.com ***************************************************************************************** ********* Next Time On The G2 Newsletter! ********** The 2nd Issue Will have: ---A New Top Ten List ---Column by a Member ---A New Stretch Game ---A New Fanfic ---Poll Responses And look for the Christmas issue coming Soon! Don't forget to send me any info you guys may have on PR, including any magazine articles or reviews, etc. on any past, or present Rangers! Don't Forget: ---To write a Top Ten List ---Reply to the polls and stretch ---Write a review on PR merchandise ---To tell other PR fans about the Newsletter ---Send any X-Mas, Chanukah/Hanukah, or Thanksgiving related material ---Write PR-related Christmas carols See Ya' Next NL! Donte Frazier (prnlprez@hotmail.com) President of The Power Rangers Fanclub---Generation 2! ********************************************************************************************** The Power Rangers Fanclub---Generation 2 Newsletter is Copyright ©1999 Donte Frazier. All rights reserved. Any material within is property of the G2 Newsletter and/or respective individuals unless otherwise noted as coming from elsewhere. Any opinions within belong solely to the individuals who express them. Copying or any unauthorized publication of material from the Power Rangers G2 newsletters without permission is illegal. And don't forget to watch Power Rangers Lost Galaxy every weekday on FoxKids!! *********************************************************************************************** Check out The Power Rangers Millennium Database! http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/home/home.html And The official Newsletter Homepage! http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/home/club.html