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I want to thank everyone who thought my site was worthy of an award. It goes to show that if you put your whole heart into something, someone will notice and appreciate it.

Please check out the pages of the people who gave me the awards -- they're wonderful!

Anne's Page Awards

[1] [2][3][4] [5][6][7][8] [9][10][11][12]

Poetry Awards

[1] [2][3][4]

Christmas Awards

[1] [2][3][4]

I've received several awards rated by

FOCUS Associates
      presents . . . AWARD SITES! . . . providing individual rating of awards and their pages along with
      graphical presentation of Only the Best!

You'll see the rating in the logo right underneath the award.

You'll also see other awards throughout the site. They are all special to me!

The Creative Expression Award

Award Submit! Submit your site to 100s of award sites thru 1 form!

Thank you, Curious!!!
This award made my day!!!

[Home] [My Poetry Place] [My Christmas Place]

[Stuff About Me]