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Of Course I Do

"Of course I do."
Oh no. That was the wrong thing to say.
Cosmo told her it had something to do with being
Psychologically negative,
Trying to convince yourself as well as him.
Maybe they were right.
Actually, she didn't not love him.
His call just came at a
Bad time.
She went to a movie with a photographer that night.
She was hoping two years ago that their friendship would
But now, growing season was over.
She didn't mind though.
Friendship was a beautiful flower.
Yesterday she saw her college heartthrob,
A baseball player
Ace pitcher.
His kisses were as good as his slider,
His best pitch.
But she didn't want to go into
Extra innings.
The guy on t.v.?
No. She knew she was dreaming.
She would never meet him.
Yes. The call just came at a
Bad time.
Thinking time.
Before saying good-bye and
Minus the "of course,"
She said
"I love you."

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