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Hello web ring surfers ... welcome to Anne's Page.
Actually, Anne's Page is several sites rolled into one. Inside you'll find:

Irish Dreams - a little about me; a little about Irish culture & customs

My Poetry Place -- poetry I've written as well as a link to my other poetry site, Poetry Around the Web, where poets can submit their work

My Christmas Place -- everything I love about Christmas (and it's up all year)

My Cancer Pages -- helpful resources as well as what I hope are inspirational stories


At the bottom of this page, you'll find links to these pages.
At the bottom of all the main pages throughout the site, you'll find a link back to this page.


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Isn't there a dreamer in all of us?

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Isn't there a dreamer in all of us?

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Poetry Café Webring

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This is Elizabeth, the guardian angel who's been watching over my site since Jan. 1, 2000.
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so you can keep on surfing in the ring you surfed in on.

[Home] [My Poetry Place] [My Christmas Place] [My Cancer Pages]

[Friends] [Stuff About Me] [The Ocean] [Autumn] [Awards Index]

[Win My Christmas Award] [Submit Your Poetry]

[ICQ Season's Greetings] [Christmas Gifts] [Christmas Survey]