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The White Ribbon

With trembling fingers
I affix to my lapel
A symbol
A piece of cloth and a pin
It is with renewed hope that I join with others of my gender
With a fervent desire, to build a lasting timeless bridge
To promote love, understanding, compassion, and respect between the sexes in the following ways;
To honor you as a woman
To honor and respect our differences
To pray you will enjoy equity in your life
To pray you will enjoy a life free from discrimination
To pray you will never endure any form of harassment
To pray you will never experience any form of physical abuse
To pray you will never experience any form of mental abuse
To pray you will never experience any form of sexual abuse
To commit to you as a male to wear my White Ribbon with pride
To commit to you, not forget
To commit to you to promote the true essence of the WHITE RIBBON daily
I honor you this day and everyday, as a woman, as a human being.
This poem is dedicated to the Fourteen innocent Women who lost their lives in the senseless Montreal Massacre of December 06,1989.
It is also for my beautiful daughter Trista. For all of the women whom I have known and will get to know as I journey through this life. Lastly for a very special woman who is very dear to me, who tirelessly promotes Women's rights, and issues of equity.

Tom Wood Copyright © 1999 copyright #TW99L4 Copyrights © 1999

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