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The Kiss

Tentative, trembling like a fawn at a Doe's side
Silky, as the dew on the bud of a rose
Soft, as the hair of a Lynx
Beguiling, like a courtesan of times long since past
Tender, as a parent's love for a child
Nourishing, nectar for the soul
Healing, an elixir as old as time
Taste, of golden honey
Goodbye, God speed
Hello, welcome back I have missed you
Love, the silken thread throughout the universe
Passionate, oh the dance of lovers
Intimate, pure as the powdery snow on a mountain peak
Needy, seeking greedily the human solace
Fleeting, like a Dove in the sky
Remembered, to be savored and treasured in the vault of life's fondest memories---

Tom Wood Copyright © 1999