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Wingless, Blind Angel

Do you see the girl, there across the street?
The one with the shoes that don't cover her feet-
With greasy hair and a dirty face,
Bedazzled by this ugly place.

Do you see how her eye's are shining?
Do you notice how she's always smiling?

She doesn't see your hurt or pain
She can't hear the laughter in the rain
She looks so helpless, but she's not
She's like the girl that time forgot

She's sitting there.. i see her still
Brave, and strong, with iron will
Beaming inside the dirty shadows... i wish that you could see this...
-Like an angel except she's wingless...

I walk by, she still smiles.
Her possessions stacked in little piles.
Can I help her? I'm not so sure
She doesn't look as helpless as she seemed before.
She's smarter than you think she is
She doesn't know what the "pain of life" is
She's enchanted by a single ray of sunlight

Then, my blurry eyes catch something to her right....

The shabby feathers of her angel wings....
Could this be what happens when an angel sings?
