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My Ontario

Steeped in tradition and values, forged by the toil of the generations before us

My beautiful Ontario

So vast and diversified

Bountiful human and natural resources, comparable to none other

A beautiful mosaic of the peoples of this world

Mighty and proud, strong and free

The engine of a great nation

The pillar of a just society

A shining example to the world of equality

A safe haven for the refugees of the world

A land of hopes and dreams

You have been torn asunder

You are being pillaged

You are being decimated to your very core

You are being betrayed by the latest Brutus

By the battle cry of tax cuts

More tax cuts, and ever more tax cuts

A slow and painful death of ten thousand weeping and savage cuts

You have been impaled on the sword of the "all mighty" dollar

Are we like the merchants in the temple?

Gone is your innocence

Trashed is your world pre-eminence of a just society

You're once world-leading social fabric now in tatters

Your beacon of hope for the less fortunate, the downtrodden, extinguished in a blinding legislative flash

A victim of Conservatism

The vindictive extremism of the right wing political agenda

The corporate agenda rules over the core human values of decency, fairness, compassion and equity

Hopes and dreams dashed amd shattered in a spiraling free fall

Oh Ontario

What shall you become?

What shall remain, of this once proud and pre-eminent province?

A glittering Mecca for those more privileged?

Shall we be known and remembered as that great society of the have and have nots?

Will this be our legacy to future generations?

What is the price for human decency and caring, and social growth and progress?

Is it the demigod gold, that shiny malleable metal of the earth?

What of our children and grandchildren, and their children?

I mourn for you

I cry for you


Tom Wood Copyright © 1999 copyright #TW99L4
