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The Journey Home

Weary, oh so weary
No rest
No respite
A winding rutted road
Trudging blindly
Eyes glazed
Another mountain to climb
No end in sight
Curves, and more curves
Obstacles at every turn
Weary, so weary
The road behind littered with wreckage of shattered dreams
No time to look back
Driven onwards
Plodding, ever onward, with a staggered gait
Searching, scanning the landscape
Weary, oh so weary
Up ahead, as far as the eye can perceive
Broaching the horizon
Nearer, ever increasingly nearer
Rupturing the tattered landscape
A portal
A path, a joyously gilded path
To home… I'm on the path heading home

Tom Wood Copyright (c) 1999

More of Tom's work:
[Old Womans Bay] [The Temple]
[Anticipation] [Whispers from a Conversation] [Love Hurts]

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