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The Temple

I will build a temple
And a superb temple it will be
Not with sweat and brawn
With the loving laborers of my mind
Not of mortar and brick
Of trees and flowers
Not of glass and marble
Of birds and animals
Not of cloth and wood
Of mountains high and lush green valleys
Not of nails and paint
Of a gently flowing stream
Not of icons or rituals
Of peace and tranquillity
Not of cold linoleum and pictures
Of softly blowing warm spring breezes
Not of fear and guilt
Of sunrises most spectacular
Not of gold and incense
Of love, trust and yearning
I will build a temple, to stand the rigors of time
I will build a temple, that will be Yours and mine
I will build a temple, where You and I can Be ...
I will build a temple for eternity

Tom Wood Copyright (c) 1999

More of Tom's work:
[The Journey Home] [Old Womans Bay]
[Anticipation] [Whispers from a Conversation] [Love Hurts]

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