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Whispers from a Conversation

From a rendezvous a short while ago
A dream was shared
From the depths of the heart
The noblest of thoughts, enshrined in love
A yearning
A fervent hope
A dream was shared
A maternalistic dream
Filled with rays joy
Filled with the purest of love
Filled with precious awe
A question was asked of I
An answer at the time was given
More thought and deep reflection
A searching of times past and missed opportunities
An answer have I
But you must ask the question, but once again
For I will not intrude upon your dream
But respect and honor it

Tom Wood Copyright © 1999 copyright #TW99L4 Copyrights © 1999

See more of Tom's work:
[The Journey Home] [Old Womans Bay] [The Temple]
[Anticipation] [Whispers from a Conversation] [Love Hurts]
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