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Old Womans Bay

Craggy cliff sheer and tall, perched on the shores of the mighty Superior
Magnificent and stately, you dominate the landscape
Timeless with your ancient wisened granite face
Mellowed with the fading sunset
Turbulent frothing waves crashing at your feet, in an ancient timeless rhythm
Dominating the landscape
Nature in its primal state, but peace, harmony, and serenity abound
Spellbound I stare
Awakening I am in this spiritual landscape
Feelings flood over me, like the waves dancing at your feet
Dominating the landscape
My being tingles in this magical kingdom
I think of her -- so far away
And I am overwhelmed
Dominating the landscape
I come to realize
I come to know, my senses alive, to feel, experience and embrace
Love, so true, so deep, complete and encompassing, for her
At your feet
Dominating the landscape

Tom Wood Copyright (c) 1999

More of Tom's work:
[The Journey Home] [The Temple]
[Anticipation] [Whispers from a Conversation] [Love Hurts]

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