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Josh in South Africa: an article on Josh's recent concert stops in Africa.

George Graham reviews the Short Trip Home CD.

The good, the bad, and the ugly: Classics Today reviews the Maw Concerto CD. Looks like somebody had a bad day...

Hoosier Times: Josh in concert in Indiana, shiny shoes and all.

Get 'em while they're young: Josh participates in a special project for helping kids get hooked on classical music as early as possible... and I mean early.

MIT Musical Toys: another one for the "gee I wish they had that when I was growing up!" category. Yes, Josh is indeed participating in this program (sorry, the other article about this got taken off the web). Be warned that the folks at MIT forgot that the rest of the world doesn't use T3 connections and some of the graphics take forever and a day to load.

The Official SonicNet Chat Transcript According to Note: according to Josh, the board moderators did filter questions (well, we figured that out pretty fast) and he was advised to keep his answers short and not too technical. Please remember not to take this seriously. It is, after all, a moderated chat.

The REAL chat transcript: Props to Yas and Gibbs for their efforts! This the actual Q&A that took place. The are differences between these two versions.

People Magazine, May 8: The 50 Most Beautiful People in the World, as of May 2000. Josh is number 47, right before Penelope Cruz.

Chat transcript for JB on the Charlie Rose Show.

Joshua Bell at Rehearsal for the Grammys

Forbes 10/5/98: It's mostly about Brava (ugh)...

Forbes 11/1/99: forgive me for playing devil's advocate, but so long as you know that this guy has no idea what he's talking about, I think you can handle it.

Joshua Bell in SF: Thanksgiving weekend '99

The Shockingly Funny Toast Magazine Review: well, it gets pretty crude in some places, but they like him.

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Even More on STH

Con Brio: Pics and article on the event sponsored by the Lincoln Center.

What makes Josh tick?: we've all wondered about them gifted folks and how they end up the way they do. Here's one person's analytical take on it.

Even Even More STH stuff

For even more articles, hop on over to Cindy's collection.