In case you still can't recite Josh's date of birth immediately when prompted, his b-day is December 9...
...sometime in October '99 I had pitched the idea of a Josh Bell b-day greeting to Cindy's Board, and eventually, after much deliberation and a bit of procrastination, this was the result. I managed to finish just in time and Alison sent the URL to him immediately after. The following weekend, he posted a very nice thank-you note to the message boarders for the card as well as the JB World Crew's own project.
PS: Thanks to all the JBMBers who swallowed hard and got over their privacy and self-esteem hangups long enough to send me their photos so I could draw their faces!
Our hope is that this will be an annual group effort. If you would like to be included in the project plannings for next year, drop on by Cindy's Board in October and drop us a line! Or better yet, come say hi even if it's not October! We want to get to know all you Joshua Bell fans out there!