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Still haven't gotten enough of Joshua Bell?
Of course not! Here is Mei's obscenely long list of more sites for you to indulge in:

The Official-Looking Pages

Culturefinder Search: the better way to look for Josh's upcoming concerts. like you didn't see it coming. The official Joshua Bell website. Their discography is still incomplete, but they do have a regularly updated tour schedule. That's important.

Sony Classical's Debut Page for Joshua Bell: the old Sony Classical Page for Joshua Bell.

London/DECCA Records Profile: His ex-record company has a little profile on him and the full pic from his photo shoot for his Kreisler Album. The discography for all his stuff up until he left is here too.

Joshua Bell: Kirschbaum Demler & Associates, his PR people, have a mini-bio and such up at their site.

IMG Artists: Joshua Bell's other reps.

Andrew de Grado Memorial Foundation: Joshua Bell is on the Board of Trustees for this foundation. Read more about why at this page.

Classical Action: He's been helping out Classical Action: Performing Arts Against AIDS for a number of years now. Check out an interesting tidbit on Josh in the bowling section...

The Red Violin Page: some info on Joshua Bell's first movie. Even has video clips (keep the kids away when you watch the Oxford one!)...

Music of the Heart Page: The movie everyone's going to watch! And Josh makes his second movie cameo here, this time as himself.

Meadowmount Home Page: where Joshua Bell went to "boot camp", if you will. The Citadel of all summer music programs.

Indiana University: you would think his alma mater has a little more to say about him than just this!

IU Alumni Quotes: well, that's a little better. Original pic too, from the '26 Strad days.

The IU Alumni Association: finally, some words and a few pics of Josh.

New Grass Revival: this Bela Fleck site has pictures of the STH gang in concert.

Yahoo Search on Joshua Bell: all things Josh at Yahoo!-- you can even order some of his older CD's!

Joshua Bell, violinista: a profile in Spanish, with a great pic of Josh and his violin case.

The Oberlin Review: I give this one two eyeball rolls. But it's amusing to see this in print. Pic and bio.


Yahoo's Joshua Bell Club: Another JBF hangout. If you're surfing the Yahoo Clubs, stop on in and say hi!

Joshua Bell's Fan Club (in Japanese): If your browser supports Japanese text, of course. If you can read it, drop me a line about what they're doing! Props on the 'Poeme' drawing!

Joshua Bell Fanclub: another Joshua Bell Fanclub from Japan (this one does have some english text so all of you whose browsers don't support Japanese text can still go look). Very cute! The also have a fan message board of their own.

Fan Sites

Cindy's Joshua Bell Page- the Unofficial Official Fan Site: the original fan page! Presenting Cindy, Webmaster Extraordinaire, all hail! The original and definitive JBF site, with galleries of pics and tons of articles.

The Joshua Bell Discussion Forum this is officially the unofficial fan discussion forum of Joshua Bell, frequented by fans around the globe! even has a link to us.

Archive of the Original Joshua Bell Message Board Messages: the Ur-board of the CJBmb, when we had yet to really organize ourselves.

Joshua Bell World: in addition to pics and reviews, there are places where fans can squeal a little (you know you want to) and a quiz you can take to find out how much of a hard-core JBF you are. I'm now on the JBW Crew as assistant editor and general gopher.

Mag's JB Site: Mags has finally stopped calling Josh a prodigy- go check out her very cool site with all the neat graphics!

Bellissimo: Carmen's site on Joshua Bell. Neato! Check out them graphics!

Sophia's Page: Sophia has just updated her site to look even more nifty! I like the blue violins (don't know that Josh would ever play one, but it looks cool).

Ashley's Page: Another celeb profile of Joshua Bell in progress by another young violin student!

Aurora's Home Page: Aurora's page is temporarily out-of-comission due to interesting circumstances. I'll keep you posted on when (if?) it comes back again. But really, she had a nice site going!

Sharon's Joshua Bell Page: A JB fan site with a short bio, CD listings, and, of course, pictures!

KC's Fascinating Site A nice-looking page devoted to our hero.

Enrico's Site: Josh gets double the praise in Italian and English from former fellow CJBMBer Enrico. Very nice site!

Another GeoCities Page: Touting articles, pics, and little swirly balls! Plus, it's got a cool fan encounter story!

Fan Encounters: Aw nuts to you, man! Okay, it's not a page, just a short blurb, but you might find this anecdote interesting (and perhaps not all that surprising). Siang Lin has snuck backstge after concerts to meet some of the major music-making people of today.

Emily's Page: A short but sweet tribute to Josh. I like her attitude!

Join the Club: Artiste and violinist Gretchen's obsession page- Josh, Josh, Josh, and more Josh...

John’s Josh Bell Profile: John’s new site includes violinist profiles, including one on Josh. Complete with bio, Strad profile, discography, and autograph!

Jeanie's Joshua Bell Page: Jeanie has a love for all things musical. It only makes sense that she should have a tribute page for Josh.

Joshua Bell: more Angelfire tributes to Joshua Bell...

Mehmet's Joshua Bell page: Mehmet's a viola fanatic with bios on a few fav musicians in the string world.

Offbeat Links:

Michelle Kwan's Skating Routine Music: She's skated to music from LVR a lot. How many times? Find out here.

Mike Marshall's Homepage: okay, it has like one line about Joshua Bell, but it's still a cool site.

Film On Disc: a review of LVR that sums up just about everything I wanted to say.

Gratuitous Fredric Pope Pic!!! : My favorite character from The Red Violin-- sorry, I can't help myself. Yet another manifestation of my violinistic fetish. Forget I ever put this link up... but don't act like you don't like him!

Korean-language review on LVR: Some of these pics of snogaboo Fredric Pope are pretty racy. Never you mind what I'm thinking, hear?

Ebert on LVR: Another good review of the movie.

KTRoad at Internet: a review of one of Josh's concerts, in Japanese...

Another Bio the requisite bio and links, plus a small fan section and a tour schedule.

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Am I missing anything? Please tell me!

Karma: If you like my site, please link to me, too!