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By: Audrey

my heart wrenching sobs,
no match for the pain that i feel.
is this a nightmare, 
or is this for real?

you told me you loved me,
you told me you cared.
but now you've brushed away
all the memories we've shared.

i gave you my love,
i gave you my heart,
but with one swift move,
you tore it apart.

i can't understand,
how everything went so wrong,
i guess you grew tired,
of being with me so long.

you tell me you're sorry,
but a thousand apologies won't heal
the deep void that you've left
with which i must deal.

i don't know how to cope,
with this heartbreak from hell.
i guess i meant nothing,
you've moved on so well.

your version of forever,
is far different than mine.
you told me so many lies,
the entire damn time.

how could you go, 
and do this to me?
best friends and ex-lovers,
nevermore we'll be.

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