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Every game from Blizzard has been a hit. This game is no exception. For about a couple of years the wintel people have been showing off that Diablo will never come to the Mac. Well guess what? It just did. First off I have to say one thing. Get Diablo! Before anything else get Diablo!

In Diablo you have three choice of chartacters: warriors, sorcerers and Rogue. Each character does what their name says. One is strong, one does magic and another one is fast and quick. Basic characters much like D&D, I think. You go around killing monsters, getting points, and getting stuff. Sounds familiar? Kinda like a computer version of Dungeon&Dragons. Anyway the level design is great and the monsters are fun to beat. I also like the sounds. They tell you when you hit and when you miss etc... One bad thing is that you have to wait for the levels to load. This is very annoying when you just wanna go to another floor to recharge your health. Wait! The fun doesn't stop there. There's of course support for Blizzard's online gaming service Though I still havent figured out what people do there other than battle it's fun. 9.5/10