If it were not for our veterans, we would not have been the United States of America in the first place. And yet, how often do we, as Americans, really think about that? Our American veterans have been protecting our freedoms ever since the American Revolution against the British which began on April 19, 1775 with the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Among the many freedoms for which they fought was the freedom to worship God in the manner of our own choosing. |
Our American veterans fought on both sides during the Civil War, also known as the War Between the States, beginning with the initial attack by Confederate forces at Fort Sumter in South Carolina which began on April 12, 1861 and ended with the surrender of the Confederate army on April 18, 1865. 617,000 Americans had died in the war, approximately the same number as in all of America's other wars combined. President Abraham Lincoln declared that "a nation divided cannot stand". |
They were there defending our freedoms for us in the trenches of France during World War I... and they were there for us in North Africa, in Europe, and in the Pacific fronts during World War II. |
They were there for us in Korea... and for a long time, they were in Viet Nam. |
And whether or not we agree with the wars against terrorism in Iraq and Pakistan, these brave souls have been fighting and dying for the cause of freedom for the rest of Americans for over 200 years now. While I am not an advocate of war, I do believe these brave men and women deserve more respect than they have been getting over the past few decades. |
So you see, if it were not for our veterans, we would not even be the United States of America... And for any veteran to return home only to find him or herself homeless and hungry is a disgrace to our country for which they have fought, and sacrificed, and died for. I believe that they deserve better than this and that something should be done to stop this from happening to these brave souls... our forgotten heroes and friends. |