Subj: Re: remove
Date: Sunday, December 26, 1999 10:51:12 PM *My friend's Birthday!!*
From: GutsyGurly
Please remove me from the 'n sync e-list. I am no longer obsessed with JC, as I found a guy of my own and realized how much better it is to be dating a 16 yr old then to be fantasizing about 20-something year old. And I have to ask, doesn't it bother the members of 'n sync that the stupid little, half-naked, underage "fan base" will soon be growing up, dating other guys, and getting a life? I also must say that it's DAMN funny when they do that pelvic thrust crap. Take a hint from Christina Aguilera, ya'll-it's quite sexually suggestive. After careful analysis of various 'n sync performances, I feel the need to give you my final opinions of everyone in the goup.
Justin-you are NOT BLACK. What's with the afro, hunny? And the ebonics? (and don't respond to this with 'what da hell dis b**** be talkin' 'bout? ah don't use no ebonics!") and please remember that it was the little, half-naked fans who BOUGHT you that, ju-ju, hon, life doesn't revolve around a CAR,lol.
Chris-You are MAD fine now that you shaved that rat's nest off your head. My original opinion was that you were going bald (nearin' the big 3-0, huh? lol) and it was a distraction from that. Kudos to you.
Joey-You nasty pimp,lol. Get a clue! No one likes all. And what's with the hair? I know you're havin' trouble gettin' laid, but that's not a way to attract females. Humans aren't fireflies.
JC-You're a crack addict. I overlooked that for the longest time being that I was kinda obsessed with you...uh, i'm over it. *smiles* Although, I like you cuz you're from md...but you're still on crack-uh caffiene-uh, you need a lot of sleep. *snort* And what's with that chick bobbie? I know it's old news, but really...that's like dating your MOTHER..with a few face lifts. Just a tip-stick to the ones YOUR OWN AGE
Lance-now, I know it's not your fault that you look uh..feminine. And thank you for the thirty minute laugh I got outta seeing the cover of that european albulm. Maybe she-um, I mean he- is born with it, maybe it's mabelline...hehe, I'm sorry, I know I'm evil. :)
That's just my opinion. Thanks a bunch! If you got to the, you're just stupid, but I appreciate the effort you took in readin' this. Thanks again!
I wonder if their PR person got a kick outta this one... Really... cuz we know they probly never read it. LoL... I'd actually be pretty surprised if their PR person even read it! Ehh... it's still pretty damn amusing.... Ok, so I'm short on ideas and I should be studying for finals... what do u expect? Sorry. I promise I'll try harder when school's out.