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My *ahem* Sample Humor
Top 10 Reasons Justin should leave his hair ALONE ALREADY!!!

Ok..Alex here.. now when I applied for the position of Got Justin?'s new co-editor, they asked me to give them a "sample" of my humor skills. *haha* So I sent them this. Knock urself out!

10. He's runnin out of new hair styles

9. If he dyes it one more time, I swear it's gonna end up multi-colored

8. People are startin to watch *N Sync performances just to find out what Justin's hair looks like

7. The fumes ...from the bleach, dyes, extra-strength gel (yes, that's extra-STRENGTH, not HOLD), and whatever else he puts in his poor hair...are making him stupider, and stupider...

6. It looked GOOD short, why'd he have to go and mess with it?

5. I LIKED the Red, what was WRONG with the RED?!?!

4. It makes him seem really, really fickle and indesicive

3. It looks FINE just the way it, was, ummm...used to look...hmmm... has he changed his hair yet?

2. He has damaged his hair in ways most hair dressers never thought POSSIBLE

*Drum Roll*

And the Number One Reason Justin should pick a hair style and leave it ALONE ALREADY is...

His hair's gonna fall out soon.

Do you REALLY wanna be bald, Justin? I didn't think so. STOP MESSIN WITH YOUR HAIR ALREADY!!!!!

So that's it. Do you know why they picked me? I don't. But hey, I'm not gonna go questioning it... cuz then they'll tell me that I gotta get my booty the hell outa here. Awrighty kiddies... have fun... and don't dye your hair!

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