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'N Sync's Thansgiving
*N Sync's Turkey Day

Wonder what 'N Sync was doing on Thanksgiving? I mean... besides eating. Do ya? Well? Ok... I'll just assume you did, seeing as how you're still here. I'll just list what I think they did while everyone was stuffing their faces and their turkeys.


Ahhh... our beloved

Listening to his brand new tapes: "How to Speak Fluent Spanish in Less Than a Week!" *you know J, you coulda just called me...*

Scouring the malls for leather pants, khakis, knit sweaters, silk, and new shoes.

Trying to find a place in Orlando or Tennessee *wherever he spent Thanksgiving* that made Menudo so that he could find out what it actually tastes like.

Getting rid of all his "Ghetto Dawg" CDs and looking for Salsa music, Cumbias, Marc Aanthony, Ricky Martin, Enrique Iglesias, and the infamous "Pop en Espanol" CDs.

Having finished his quest to find everything he needs to become the next Ricky Martin, he decides to put it all to use and settles down to figure out a latin-sounding name he could use. *lol... If this was true, and he picked "Ricardo," I would just about die laughing. Just, don't ask... it's some theory my friends have about my bro and Justin.*


Our thpethial lil crackhead...

He did drugs. As usual.

He ate. For the first time in his life.

Nuff said.


Poofoo's day out...

He called his spa and told the receptionist he needed to de-stress STAT!

Having been regenerated by his day at the spa, he decided to go shopping. As he picked up some make-up for "Danielle," he started flirting with the girl doing makeovers only to be slapped by the guy doing makeovers next to her. Apparently he had thought he "shared something" with Lance since they had "made eye contact" last month. Ouch. That's gotta sting. Poor guy... He's not the only one to be "used and abused" by Lancey Poo's peepers.

Bewildered, Lance went home to put something cold on his stinging cheek and cook up a storm with his mom in the kitchen.


The kid who's finally growing up... bout damn time too...

Decided it was time to put all the toys in his room away. He started packing them, but then he started playing with them. Hey, at least he tried.

After playing with his toys for a good couple of hours, Chris decided he would start putting them away. Really. So he called Danielle to help him.

After Danielle put away all the toys Chris wasn't palying with, and got him to stop playing with them and help, they went out to eat. *like Danielle had any time to cook, what with cleaning up all those toys. Dude, I don't even know if she would cook...*

When the 2 got home, they fed Busta the leftovers. Busta had a Happy Thanksgiving.


The Fat SuperMan-WannaBe...

He ate.

He ate some more.

He ate yet again.

Do you see where this is going?

He ate for the umpteenth time.


He ate so much he exploded.

Didn't see that one coming, did ya?

In case you're wonderin... that's my turkey up there. It was really good. All nice and juicy and stuff. Awrighty... I'm out. Lataz! --Alex
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