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~*Chapter Eight*~

Bob came back home very upset, "Cllliiiinnntt!" He yelled as soon as he walked into the house.

Sheila put her hands on her hips, "Bob! There is no need to shout!" She told him.

Bob sighed, "Where is Clint?" He asked.

"He and Dave are up in their room." She answered calmly.

Bob ran upstairs, "Clint! I need to talk to you now. It is about Scott." He said.

Dave pouted, "Why can't I hear? Scott is my brother too." He said.

Clint nodded, "What is wrong Bob?"

"Okay... I went down under the tree and Scott was there crying! He made me leave and he was trying to hide that he was crying." Bob replied.

By this time Clint was already putting on his shoes, "I'll be back later." He said walking out of the room.

As Clint walked out of the house he saw Kali at the door, "Hey Clint!" She chirped.

"Hey Kal. Bob and Dave are upstairs. Tell them that I said for them to let you know what is going on." He said walking away.

Kali watched him walk away and shrugged.


Clint approached the tree and saw Scott crying lightly, just as Bob did.

"Scott..." Clint said quietly walking toward him.

Scott turned and looked at Clint as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Clint didn't say anything. All he did was lean down and hold his brother tightly as he cried.

Finally Scott looked up, "Why am I like this Clint? Why can't I just be happy for Bob and find my own girl?" He said in a hoarse voice.

Clint sighed, "Scott.... you are like this because you love Kali. I honestly believe that you two are meant o be. I know that Bob does not have as strong of feelings for Kal as you do." He replied.

Scott nodded, "I do love her Clint.... I don't know what to do." Scott said as the tears faded.

"You just have to leave it to time, or tell Kal how you feel." Clint replied honestly.

"Your right. I just need some time to think.... I'll be back at the house later." He replied.

Clint stood up, "Alright." He said leaving his older brother alone.

read on.....
