The Firefly
The Firefly is Really the only other Light Mech worth mentioning. Altho i myself REALLY dislike it and REALLY REALLY reccmoned that you use a Jenner, everyone has their own tastes and styles. Always do what you feel is best, not what others say.
The Fireflys advantages are
The Long Range Missle 5{aka LRM-5}is good for hitting gyros and engines, as well as Fadeing.When Close enough the firefly is VERY powerful.The Fireflys Dis-Advantages are
Weak armor and few jets.Weapons are lacking useage, and are hard to set on the Tics.When fadeing, which is what the fly is good for, weapons take longer to register as being in range. In other words, a Jenners M. Las will be in range before the Flys.Weapons are placed on the Flt Frt and CT, which means they cannot shoot up or down, only left, right, and foreward.Below is a Screen Shot of the locations of the weapons.
Above you can see the locations of the weapons. Ill list them here as well.
Right Arm {RA}-1 Small LaserRight Torso {RT}- 1 Medium Laser,1 LRM-5Center Torso {CT}- 1 Medium Laser, 1 Small LaserLeft Torso {LT}- 1 Medium Laser, 1 Small LaserLeft Arm {LA}- 1 Small Laser