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My Presley Gallery - Screen Test

Screen Test

Back in 1956 Elvis actually did two different screen tests. This color one was done prior to Elvis' film "Love Me Tender" and shows Elvis walking on camera and doing a song. If you look closely at Elvis' guitar, you will notice it doesn't have any strings!

This rare film footage showed up in the 1993 video "Elvis in Hollywood the 50s" and also on the TV show Inside Edition (or was it Extra?). Bet their ratings were high that week!

Elvis' other screen test has yet to be uncovered, although a few black and white photos from it have surfaced a few times. The photos show Elvis in a scene from the film, "The Rainmaker". Elvis was initially slated to be in the film, but he got yanked from the cast and ended up doing "Love Me Tender" instead. Perhaps the supporting role in the "Rainmaker" wasn't big enough to suit Elvis' management. It's a pity, as it would have been a fabulous start to Elvis' film career.

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