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Here are some things Brian had said... My comments, or my crazyness ( call it what you want! ) are in bold. Sorry some of them I couldn't hold I had to say something!

At the MTV Awards:

"Who'd ever thought that six years from now, we'd be accepting the planet man."

(in a heavy southern accent) "How ya’ll doin’? Ya’ll doin’ all right?"

"Most of all I like chasing girls. Of course I like to look at pretty girls in the street. What hot-blooded boy doesn’t?" Brian! Naughty Boy!!! LMAO... Sorry just couldn't held it =(

"I'm 10 points away from AJ, I have to get a strike!" He intentionnaly miss his shot.

"Aww… I blew it!" What a nice boy... !

"I think I’d make a loving, caring, understanding boyfriend, who’s in touch with his emotions. Or at least, I’d like to be." Brian don't doubt of yourself! I'm sure you are!

" When you like someone, put their name in a circle, not a heart, cause hearts can be broken, but circles go on forever." Snif snif... * Take a kleenex out of the box and wipes tears away * Sorry you were there * Just blushe and giggle * I just think that's way tooo cute... That's one of my favorite!!!!

"Facts are facts, they said 5 minutes and it’s been about 5 minutes and 35 seconds."

"Take your shirt off Nick." Yeah! I'd like to see that!!!! Don't be a bad boy Nicky and listen to your best friend LOL!!!

"We've done about 170 shows on the Millenium tour, and standing in front of an audience like this, I get the jitters like it's the first time."

"Sex on the TV is bad... You might fall off!"

"It stinks, and it's hot. I'm scared." I'm scared too... wanna hold me tight? Did I really said that? Oops! lol

" My butt hurts." I'd say something, but I'll just keep it to myself...

"I feel like a corn cob right now." - Brian

""I've always tried to be funny, or stupid, or whatever. I love making people laugh and I think it comes quite naturally to me."

"Nick's like the baby brother I never had. I look out for him and help him in any way I can."

"I learned something today. I can play ball as good as any of those guys, but none of them can sing like me." (on never making the basketball team) that is just sooooooo right Brian!

"Don't wait for the one you can live with, wait for the one you can't live without." Another romantic phrase like that and I'll really begin to think you're the perfect guy!

"No man is worth your tears and the one that is won't make you cry" Why did he have to say that? This guy should be in a museum, he is a rare specie!

"I was in my Jeep at home, and I turned on the radio and heard a mix of 'Quit Playing Games' I never heard before. It still takes us by surprise. It was a really cool mix and I got cold chills! It's like no matter how many times I've heard it, it doesn't get old!"

"Ever since I was 15, I've been working. One of my first jobs was working at a church that I went to, organizing the sanctuary when people would have weddings." Good, so you'll know if everything is fine at your wedding!

"I was in the hospital for a month and a half of my first-grade year, so I missed a lot of school. I remember that I returned home from the hospital and there was a bicycle waiting for me in front of the house, a yellow and red bicycle with a big banana seat on it. This was 1980, and it's still my favorite bike."

"Missie the cat was my first pet. It was short for Mischief. Back during high school, I worked at Long John Silver's, and since cats love fish, every time I came home from work after school, she would always come and sleep with me because I smelled like fish." Sorry but that one is just gross...

"I liked this girl forever and a day, and we were always best friends. But you know those nice guys that you come to talk to when you have a problem with your boyfriend? You know, one of those in-between dudes? That was me to her." I'm sad for you... but you found LeighAnne now right? So that's great, coz she is perfect for you!

this quote is one of Nick quotes... but since it's talking about Brian, and it's... how can I say * looking desperatly for words * weird taste in matter of ice cream!

"Bri mixes together weird flavours of ice cream. Would anyone else put chocolate chip mint on top of pineapple sherbet and then put caramel sauce on it all? Yuck!"

"I'm a real housekeeper. When I come home from a tour, everything is dusty and I'm sneezing, so I vacuum and mop the floor." I though all the other said he was the messy one?

"We'll try to rent out a basketball court somewhere to go play, so you can just kind of get your frustrations out. It's something active besides singing and dancing." Oh lucky lucky one!!! I'd love to do that!

"It's very rewarding to think you're actually affecting lives. I mean, people who can't even speak English are singing our songs and even the American audiences, we've had a lot of loyal fans who have stuck with us a long, long time."

How many backstreet boys can you fit into a phone booth? I don't know but I'd like to try and fit in with you... lemme guess, 5? Aren't they just five backstreet boys? Of course if at that time they were counting Lou Perlman as the 6th backstreet boys it's probably changing the awnser... Oh BRIAN Why are you asking question like that!!!

We used to think we were cool wearing those white shirts. Brian, whatever you're wearing you're being cool... *taking another look at the pic* Okay maybe not that...

Happy birthday to me, twenty-two! I spent a lot of time on the road. I don't mind because the fans give me a lot of love and present. no comments.

Our first trip to Montreal, Canada has been good to us. I know, I know... but hey Brian, this pic was taken during your SECOND trip to Montreal!!!!

On the set of "All I have to give". I'm making a funny face behind Howie. He was trying to be serious. You know me. Brian, bad boy... but hey your face is tooooo cute! * pat his head* YOU DON'T HAVE ANYMORE I WANNA GO BACK HOME!