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~~~ From Hell To Heaven ~~~

The next day Sara was up bright and early at 7:00 AM sharp! She had a lot of packing to do. No more Juvenile Hall for her, she was going to a real family! About three hours later it was time to go. Kerri went and got her and off they went. " So, Kerri, what was the familys' last name again?" Sara asked with a shy doubt in her voice. "Carter." Replied Kerri shortly, as she was trying to pay attention to the road. " As in Bob and Jane Carter?" asked Sara with even more question in her voice. " Why, yes how did you know?" "Holy shit I'm gonna meet AJ McLean!!!" " I didn't know you like the Backstreet Boys Sara, oh no the poor Carters!" Kerri said with a half laugh half worry. Sara could hardly contain herself. She was going to live with the Carters, as in THE Nick Carter! And this meant she might meet AJ McLean, THE AJ McLean!

"Hello Sara its so nice to finally meet you!" Mrs. Carter greeted Sara with a warm smile and a tight hug. Sara and Kerri had just arrived at the Carters' front door. Jane was a medium tall women with blonde hair and a kind disposition, who loved children. Mr. Carter (Bob) went to Kerri's car and got Sara's two suit cases she had brought with her. Just enough clothes to last her before the rest of her stuff came in a moving truck that following week. "I have to get going Sara, Jane and Bob are eager to get to know you, I'll be in touch!" Kerri closed to the door gently and left.

Jane took Sara's hand and said "Sara, let me give you the grand tour of our house, you will meet the rest of the family later." Jane brought Sara to the living room which had pictures of Nick and all his siblings hanging on the walls. Two big cream colored couches were placed in the middle of the living room. One up against a wall with a big fish tank, the other on the wall next to it. Then there was a dark brown leather coffee table with a piece of glass over it. The room was an off white color. So classy yet comfy. Next there was the kitchen which was just as big, so elegant and homey, yet very stylish. "Your taste is so exquisite Mrs. Carter, your house is just so beautiful!" "Thank you darling, but I did have some help. But do take great pride in my house, but it doesn't always look this great." "Now come up the stairs with me and let me show you your new room."

Jane took Sara up two flights of stairs and around a corner to a room. She opened the door and Sara gasped. It was so perfect! "Leslie, my oldest daughter picked this all out for you. I hope you like it!" Sara walked into the room and gazed at everything in it with awe. Her bed was a queen size feather bed, with a Tommy Hilfiger quilt. It was a big Tommy sign. With three red pillows and one big pillow in the middle that said "Tommy Girl" in silver letters. There was a small Tommy throw pillow with the Tommy sign on it. Then to top it all off, there was a little stuffed animal lion wearing a Tommy Hilfiger sweater! There was cream colored wooden furniture throughout the room. There was a desk in one corner with a computer on it, then a dresser with a CD player. Then there was one night stand on side of her bed with a dark blue lamp shade. Then there was a TV in the high corner of the room with something holding it in place. Then there was a walk-in closet. She even had her own bathroom!

"Mrs. Carter, this room couldn't be more perfect, I love it!" Sara cried with excitement in her voice. " I am glad you like it, I wanted you to feel at home, because right now this is where you live." "Thankyou so much, I know that I will love it here already" Sara gave Jane a big hug. She was already feeling like she belonged, maybe there will be some nice surprises for her, even something she would never guess a lifetime....

"Sara, I am going to go downstairs to fix lunch for you, unpack and take a breather, the kids will be home soon, Nick and Aaron are still on tour together, but they will be home in about a month for three weeks so you will meet them then. I will see you downstairs when your ready." With that Jane closed the door gently and left.