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Were you okay? It is time to check!

1: In the September '98 issue of Teen, Brian was wearing (c) A cross around his neck!

2: B-ROK favorite color is (c) Blue, you know being from Kentucky and blah blah... LMAO, Sorry got a little bit of Brian in me!

3: Brian's perfect fan ( his mommy! ) is called (c) Jackie.

4: Brian is a musical genius... Beside guitar he also plays (b) trumpet. geez... I had trouble with that one!

5: Brian's birthday is Feb 20 th so he is (a) Pisces

6: Brian don't have a younger bro he has an older one ! So the awnser is false!

7: Brian's high School was (c) Tate's Creek High

8: Before being an international hearthrob, Brian was working at (c) Long John Silver. It's a fish restaurant!

9:Brian's full name is Brian (c) Thomas Littrell I though it was an easy one....

10: Brian had written a total of (d) four songs that were on bsb album. He had THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID on Backstreet's back and LARGER THAN LIFE, THE ONE and THE PERFECT FAN on Millenium.