Chapter 2

"And then...I walked in the room and found them kissing." Angie explained to JC.

"Are you serious?! How could he do that to y'all?"

Justin sighed. "I don't want to know. The thing that bothers me is that he hurt Angie. It's as if he lost any feeling for her!!"

"He does love her, Justin." JC said.

"I know he loves her, JC. But, what he did was wrong. And, he thinks he can magically get her back!! THAT'S what makes me mad. Angie, I hate to say this....but I was completely against the relationship from the start." Justin said.

Angie nodded. "I know...he's had such a rocky past with women. Especially ones he thinks he has a chance with. This time though, I just thought he was different. I actually believed he had changed. I thought what we had was real, but it was just him up to his old tactics."

JC sighed. "Joey Fatone is our best friend. But, he won't change. He's a womanizer and he knows it. The best thing for you to do right now is just stay away from him. We all know you love him, so you need to make a clean break."

Justin nodded. "You know you can stay with me for as long as necessary. I care about you, and although you are a very strong person....the first chance Joey gets to talk to you, he'll get you back. He's that persuasive, Angie."

"You're right...I'll need your help, though. After all, this was the man I thought I could marry. I can't just break it off and feel like everything is ok. And, although I love the two of you with all of my hearts....I need to speak with Joey about this. I mean, we're over. It's as plain and simple as that. But, I can't just have him accept this as something his friends had to tell him. I'm going over there today."

****************************************************** Angie walked into their house and turned on the lights. "Joey!! Are you in here? Joey?"

She walked into the living room and saw him sitting in the dark. " are you?"

He looked at her coldly with bloodshot eyes. "Don't ask me that. What do you expect me to say? You left me without anybody, ANGIE! You run to your little friend and tell him all of your problems, and you leave me out in the cold."

"What do you expect me to do? Forgive and forget? Not this time, Joey!! I've put up with enough of you!"

Joey stood up. "So, what are you doing here?"

Angie took a deep breath. "I need some closure to this. There's no more room in my heart for you and your girlfriends."

"I didn't have girlfriends. I had you, Angela!! I made a mistake." Joey yelled.

"No, you made a decision. A decision between me and temptation. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters, right? I mean, our relationship was so perfect, Joey. We had it all. Love, understanding, trust...well, we had love and understanding."

Tears began to form in Joey's eyes. "I love you so much. Don't do this to me." he pleaded.

Her heart was heavy, and although she eagerly wanted to forgive him, all she could see was Justin. "Look, I'm just going to leave. Maybe, you should call me tonight."

"Let me'll be with Justin!" he screamed.

Angie was frightened by the tone of his voice, but quickly settled down. "Yes, I will. And, where was I supposed to go? He's my best friend, Joey."

Joey scoffed. "Seems to me like he's always been much more than a friend to you."

"Oh, that's right! I'm in love with him, right Joey? Every time you left the house, I went right over to his to add on to a secret affair we've been carrying on ever since we met!!! YOU ARE PATHETIC, JOEY. Do you hear me? Pathetic!! I loved you with all my heart! Those nights when you thought you had nowhere to go, and I was there, I WASN'T thinking of Justin. When I told you I loved you, I wasn't thinking of Justin. But, you know what you've made me realize? Maybe I should've been all along!!" she screamed as walked out the door and slammed it hard behind her.

She got in her car and drove back to Justin's place. She opened the door and saw Justin sitting on the couch.

"Well...?" Justin asked.

"I left in a rage because of his ignorance. He honestly believes that we've been secretly cheating with each other for the past year." Angie said.

Justin looked down. "I'm sure he doesn't...if he thought that all along, he wouldn't have been with you so long. Angie, I need to ask you something. Now CAN say no."

Angie laughed softly. "Just say it, Justin..."

"Well, at least until you get on your feet...Jc and I thought it would be a good idea for you to move in here--permanently."

Angie took a deep breath. "I think that's a really good idea. But, only until I get on my feet. I don't want you to take care of me forever!"

Justin smiled at her. "I wouldn't mind..."

She grinned sweetly. "You're a doll...I'm so lucky to have you here, Justin."

He stood up and walked over to her. "Why do you think that?"

She sighed as he stood directly in front of her. "Justin, you're truly everything...I mean, no matter what happens, you're always there for me, and I appreciate that."

He gave her a hug that lasted a moment too long, as Angie noticed the almost intoxicating scent of his cologne. She quickly shook such thoughts from her head.

"So, um...I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight." she said to break the silence.

Justin laughed. "No way!! I'm not letting a guest of mine sleep on a couch."

"Justin, I'll feel awful if you sleep on that couch again. I won't be able to sleep a wink. Just, sleep on the bed!" Angie said.

Justin glanced over at the couch which signaled to her that they would race for it. Justin sped off and landed on the couch before she could even start.

"Well, if you're sleeping on that couch, I'll sleep on the loveseat." she said as she got a blanket and laid down. Justin stared at her and smiled.

"Are you gonna be ok?" he asked.

She nodded. "It's over, Justin. It's over."

Chapter 3
