Chapter 5


"Justin......where are we?" Michelle asked.

"I can't show you yet.....keep your eyes closed...."

Michelle had just gotten out of his car and she had to keep her eyes closed.

"Justin, I can't stand it much longer! C'mon!"

"Okay, open them!"

Michelle opened her eyes to see them way up high on some kind of a grassy cliff. It overlooked all of Orlando. She gasped at first, but then she saw a small table with 2 chairs and a picnic basket. Michelle looked over at Justin. He was smiling at her.

"What's this?" she asked.

"A romantic candlelit dinner while we watch the sunset....." he said as he sat down on the blanket.

"I think you forgot the CANDLES."

"I never forget....." he said as he pulled out two candles with candleholders.

"Is that good or bad?" Michelle said as she sat down.

"I want to remember this night forever..." he said.

" question. Why didn't you do this tomorrow, the night before you leave?"

"Because, this way we know that after this perfect night is over, we still have one more day together."

"Works for me..." she said as she reached over and gave him a kiss.

The next morning.....

JC waited eagerly by the phone. His heart was breaking. He knew that she was with Justin and it killed him inside. Suddenly, the phone rang. Jc ran to get it.

"Hello?" he said.

"Hey,'s Chris. Have you seen Justin? Or Michelle for that matter?"

"You can't find them?" JC said nervously.

"Damn, calm down dude. I was just wondering where they were. They're probably at home."

"Oh, okay...uh, Chris, I'm expecting a VERY important call. Can I call you back later?"

"Yeah, sure......catch ya later..."


He began to pace the floor. The phone rang literally seconds after he had just hung up.

"Chris, c'mon I told you..."

"Uh, JC?" Michelle said.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah! This is JC. And you are Michelle...."

"That would be correct. Your message said you needed to talk to me. Is anything wrong?"

"Uh, no...not at all."

"Oh, good. Well, hey, why don't you come over? Justin's out somewhere, so we'll have some privacy..."

"Privacy? Why would you want privacy between you and me?" he said oddly.

"Uh, no. I just meant if it's something you want to talk about in private, we won't have any interuptions.....Jc? JC?"

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, um...okay. So, I'll be over there in about half an hour?"

"Sure, see ya then. Bye, now...."

As the bell rang, Michelle answered the door.

"Oh, hey, JC! Come on in!"

Michelle gave him a hug and noticed that he held on a little longer this time, but shrug it off. They sat down on the couch.

"So, what's up?" Michelle asked.

"Well, I've never been one to beat around the bush, so....Michelle, I...I love you..."

Michelle smiled. "I love you too, JC. You're just like family to me."

JC laughed nervously. "Um, no, Michelle. I Love you..."

Michelle understood. "You love me? As in Love, Love, Love me?"

"Yes, ever since that kiss a couple of weeks ago, I've grown to love you..."

There was a long pause. "But, I love Justin. He's my heart and soul...."

"I know, I just wanted to tell you."

"But, why? You know you can't have me..."

"I know, but I would rather not have you, and have you know how I feel, than just not having you at all..."

"JC, I don't feel the same way..."

"Yeah.....I know. I just hope that maybe after Justin..."

"Wait a minute, after Justin? What makes you think there is going to be an 'after Justin'?"

"That's not what I meant..."

"That IS what you meant. I know Justin and I have had some rough times in the past, but we survived. I love Justin. And, as far as I'm concerned there will never be a you and me, EVER!"

"Maybe not, but you felt something that night. That was not a kiss of weakness, it was a kiss of passion...."

"I was thinking of Justin!"

"You're were upset with Justin, remember? You thought he had cheated. How do you think this works, Michelle? You can go out with someone and the second something goes wrong, you go and kiss his best friend? Were you even THINKING about my feelings? Not everyone kisses somebody and feels nothing when YOU say they should feel nothing, Michelle."

She began to cry. Then, her voice tensed. "Don't you dare blame it on me! You kissed me too, remember? In fact, if Justin hadn't gotten there then, things might have gone a little too far. Think about that night, JC. You kissed me too...."

Jc walked up to her. "Yeah, I did...." he whispered as he softly kissed her lips.

She pulled away and looked at him for a couple of seconds before she kissed him back. Michelle parted her lips to allow the kiss to become more passionate.

"JC, we can't....." she whispered in between kisses.

"Is Justin coming home?"

"No, he's in the studio or something working on my songs....but it's wrong...."

He looked at her with pure love in his eyes.

"But, I want you so bad....." she replied to him.

She pulled JC onto the couch and began to run her hands through his hair. He was on top of her softly grinding into her. He kissed her neck softly. Michelle pulled away for a second to look into his eyes. Then she began to unbutton his shirt.

"Michelle, should we be doing this?"

She nodded. "I want to..." she said softly.

They went into the bedroom and JC removed her dress revealing her body. "You are so beautiful...." he said as he began to kiss her emotionally. She removed his clothes and they began to make love on the bed.

"JC, you have a condom, right?"

"Yeah..." he groaned.

"Get it, JC....the last thing I need is a baby...."

He kissed her body as she softly moaned. She was recieving such pleasure.

"JC, I love you...."

Just then the door opened and Justin stood there with a gun. "So, you were cheating on me!" he said.

"Justin, this isn't what it looks like..."

Justin took the gun and aimed in at JC. Then, he released 3 shots.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!!" Jc screamed as he woke up on the couch. He looked around and realized he had been dreaming. He decided not to tell Michelle how he felt. It would only cause more trouble.

That night......

"Justin, come on! We have to do something fun. It's your last night here. I know, let's all go to a dance club!" I said as I watched the fab 6 (remember Shayna) sit on the couch with boredom on their faces.

"That's actually a good idea..." Jc said.

I smiled. "Great! So, Shayna and I will go change." I said with a noticable wink.

"Wait a minute! What did that wink mean?" Chris demanded.

"Nothing! Just sit, and make yourselves comfortable. We'll go change....toodles!"

We went into my room and opened my closet door. I chose a short, sleeveless black dress that really looked good and outlined every curve in my body, and Shayna put on a blue skirt and tube top that was about 5 inches above her navel.

When she came out of the bathroom, I said, "Whoa, girlie! I know that we were supposed to be wild, but what's yo' man gonna say about that?" I asked.

"Hopefully not anything, if you get my drift...."

"You go girl!"

I put on my gold necklace and pulled up my dress just a tad more. We covered ourselves in Clinique Happy and Tommy Girl, and then made our appearence in the living room.

The guys were talking and then the entire room was quiet.

"Well, do you like what you see?" I asked as I did a full turn.

Justin's mouth was gaped open. "Michelle, there is no way you can wearing that!"

"Well sure there is. I've got nice legs...." I said as I giggled.

"Shayna, you are not wearing that. At least not without the rest of it."

"What's the matter baby, don't you think I'm sexy?" she pouted.

"Well, yeah're not supposed to be sexy in front of my friends..." he said softly.

"Either we go together without us changing our clothes, or Shayna and I go together without you." I said.

"C'mon, guys....they look...REALLY good...." Joey said.

"Yeah, Justin, Michelle looks fine. Uh, I mean, ok, fine. Not, fine, fine. Not that you don't look fine, Michelle, it's just...I'm gonna shut up now...." JC said.

Everyone was kind of confused for a second, but shrug it off. "We didn't ask you guys..." Justin and Chris said at the same time.

"Well, there is an idea. We could go with JC and Joey." I said.

"Well, fine!" Justin said with a stern voice.

"You don't wanna be with me on your last night here?" I said in a hurt voice.

"Of course, I do baby...." Justin said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I noticed Jc suddenly looked away. What was his deal? He had been acting so weird around me lately. Especially when I was with Justin.

"Then it's let's go have some fun!" Shayna said. So, we walked out of the apartment. Jc was behind all of us. I casually walked back there.

"Hey, JC. I got your message, can you um, tell me what's up at the club?"

"Huh? Oh,'s not a problem anymore..."

"Oh. Well, okay...." I replied.

When we got to the club, the music was blaring and everyone was having fun. It was impossible not to.

"Come on, Chris.....I bet you can move.." Shayna said.

Chris licked his lips. "Girl, looking like that, I could move all night..." he said as they went onto the dance floor.

Suddenly this dude who thought he was everything walked over to me. "Ya wanna dance?"

Then, Justin said. "Actually, she does...." as he took me out on the dance floor. Robyn's "Show Me Love" remix was playing. We danced for a about 10 minutes before they played a slow song. Justin and I were really close to each other.

"You smell so good..." he whispered.

I looked away so he couldn't see a tear in my eye.

"What's wrong, baby?" he said.

"Because, you can say all of that stuff that makes my heart melt, but it won't change the fact that you'll be gone tomorrow." I said.

Justin held on to me a little tighter as we were lost in each other's eyes. Our hearts were caught in the all too vicious storm of love.

The next day, I woke up next to Justin. He looked so peaceful. Just sleeping, just dreaming. Not conciously aware that we'd be a continent apart in 4 hours. I touched the side of his face with my hand. I didn't know how I was ever going to let him go.

I got up, took a shower, got dressed and went into the kitchen to make Justin breakfast. I was going to make him the ultimate morning meal, but I decided to just make him a bowl of Apple Jacks and some toast. He'd remember me more that way. I saw him come out, already showered and dressed. "Hey, I made you breakfast!" I said.

"You didn't put milk in the cereal..." he said.

"Well, I wasn't sure when you were going to get up, and I didn't want you to have a soggy breakfast.."

"Very clever......" he replied with a smile.

I did everything possible to keep my mind off of him leaving. I cleaned every inch of the kitchen. "Uh, honey? You already cleaned the counter.." Justin said.

"Oh, well......2 times is always better than once, right?" I said with a cheery smile.

He got out of his seat. "Michelle, what's wrong?" he said.

"Nothing!" I said with a questionable tone of voice.

"I don't want to go away either..."

I had my back turned to him, but I suddenly stopped. He already knew what I was thinking? I looked back at him with tears in my eyes.

"We don't have much of a choice, now do we?" I said as I began to cry. He came over and hugged me. "Michelle, it's gonna be okay. Don't worry...."

"No, it's not, Justin. It's going to be pure torture. I don't want to make you feel bad. God, I was ok with this 2 days ago, what's wrong with me?"

"Nothing. I'll call 3 times a day every day, okay?"

"Uh, don't make any promises. It's a tour, you wont have any about every night right before I go to bed so I can fall asleep to your voice.."

He smiled. "It's a deal....."

When we got to the airport, Shayna was crying her eyes out and Chris was holding her tight. It was all I could do to not cry. I had this heavy feeling in my heart. We spent about 15 minutes talking to each other before a woman came over and said, "Um, the flight leaves in 10 minutes, you have to board now...."

I hugged all of the guys before I went back to Justin. I noticed tears in his eyes. "I can't do this...." he whispered.

"I know. But, you have obligations. And, love doesn't amount to anything when it comes to the entertainment business."

"You can say that again. Michelle, I love you so much. And, a month will go by quicker than you think."

"Yeah, it will. Well, you better go. You have a plane to catch......."

He gave me a emotional kiss before he picked up his bags and walked towards the terminal. He turned around for the last time and mouthed, "I love you". I blew him a kiss before he vanished from my view.

Okay, quit crying. Gosh, that was sad, huh? But, I'll give you a hint about the next chapter. Justin knows something we don't know, JC finds love in foreign arms, and Chris is so grim about not having Shayna around that he makes a final decision.