Chapter 2

When we got back to Justin's house, we were pretty much silent.

"Well, I'm going to bed...." I declared as I began to walk up the stairs.

As I lied awake, I thought of our last dance. His hands held my body so perfectly, and his face touched to top of mine the whole time. I didn't know what was going on between me and Justin, but I was scared of what it was to become. The last time we became intrigued by one another, we ended up breaking each other's hearts.

I soon heard a soft knock on my door. "Come in......" I sat as I sat up in bed.

Justin opened the door and walked in. My heartbeat began to race.

"Uh, hey, Justin...." I said.

"Hey, I need to talk to you...." he said.

"Well, I'm here.......whatcha want to talk about?" I asked hoping and praying he wouldn't say anything about us.

"It's" he said.

"Okay, what about us?" I asked nervously.

"Jayme, I know you felt something when we danced. When I kissed you, you felt that old feeling that we used to have when we were going out...."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Justin.." I said firmly.

"Oh, please. What do you take me for?" he said.

I scoffed in disgust. "A conceited jerk who thinks I still have feelings for him....some 'nice guy' you are...." I said as I turned my head away from him.

"Jayme..." this time his voice was quiet and soft-spoken, "please, just cooperate with me on this one, okay?"

I looked at him and sighed. "Okay, I admit it....I too, felt something tonight....." I said.

"That's great....." he said in joy.

"No, isn' know the reason why we didn't work out before. It certainly won't change now..."

"It can, Jayme...."

"No, Justin, it can't. You are offically a 'teen idol' in case you haven't noticed. You're too busy for a know that...." I said as tears began to build in my eyes.

"I love you, Jayme. I loved you the day I met you, I loved you the day you said goodbye, and I still love you today....."

"I know....." I replied.

"Well, if you know, what's the problem?"

"I don't want to fall in love with you again just so I have to leave again. I guess I just, I should just go back home...."

"No, god, no.....Jayme...I lost you once and I refuse to lose you again...."

"Justin, don't make this hard on me....I came back here because I wanted to put our differences aside and become friends again....." I said as I turned my head.

He moved my face towards his with his hand as he captured my lips in a passionate kiss. He kissed my cheek and neck. Something in me told myself that I had to stop. So, I pulled away.

"Justin, I can't give into you anymore....." I said.

"Jayme, there have been about a million times today when I wanted to take you in my arms and just hold you and tell you how much I love you....and you're making it harder and harder to conceal my feelings....." he said.

"I'm sorry, Justin...." I whispered.

And, without another word said, he walked out the door.

The next morning, I woke up with a horrible headache. Everything was kind of dizzy and my head was spinning. I got dressed and stumbled out of the room. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I pulled a glass down from the cupboard and filled it with water as I reached into the cabinet for some aspirin. Then, I heard Justin come in.

"Hey..." he said quietly.

"Oh, hi...." I said not even thinking about the night before. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my head. I held my head in my hands as I let out a weak groan.

"Are you okay?" Justin asked.

I gave him an annoyed look. "Yes, I only do this for fun......" I said sarcastically.

"Come lie down on the couch....I'll get you a washcloth......" he said as he took my hand and helped me.

I closed my eyes as I wondered what was wrong with me. Then, I felt a cold rush on my forehead. I gasped in shock.

"Shh....It's okay..." Justin said.

"Thanks, Justin.....I don't know what's wrong with me....." I said.

"Here, do you want to go lie down in your bed?"

"Uh, yeah..." I said as I got up.

I felt a wrenching pain in my stomach and everything went black.

At The Hospital....

Justin sat in his seat. His eyes were red and baggy and he just hoped that everything would be okay.

Suddenly, Chris, JC, Joey, and Lance walked in.

"Is she okay?" Chris asked as he placed a hand on Justin's shoulder.

"They, uh....don't know, yet....." he said solemnly.

"She'll be okay, why don't you go home and get some rest? We'll call you if anything happens...." the others said.

"You guys, Jayme is all I have...she's my best friend, my everything.....and even though she doesn't exactly feel the same way I do, I have to stand by her..." Justin said.

Suddenly, a doctor came out and looked at the 5 guys and let out a deep breath.

"I regret to inform you......" he started.

Justin fell to his knees as his eyes filled with tears.

"....that your grandmother has passed on...." he said.

"What? We don't have a grandmother here...What about Jayme Phillips?" Justin said hostily as he felt silly for making such a scene.

"Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry....she's in her room, you can go see her now......" the doctor said as he motioned for them to follow him.

Justin's heartbeat raced as he wondered what would be behind that door.

Chapter 3