When I got home, I ran into the house and cried, and cried, and cried some more. I felt like my entire world was crashing down on me. How could he possibly do that to me? I soon heard a knock at the door. I walked to the door and peeked in. It was Mandy and JC. My two best friends.

I opened the door and motioned for them to come in. I sat down on the couch.

"I hate this...." I whispered.

"I know sweetie...." Mandy said as she stroked my hair.

"Have you talked to him?" I said.

"I did.......he wants you to know that he loves you and he doesn't want to lose you again...." JC said.

"Oh really? Well, there isn't room for me AND BRIANA. What was he thinking going back to her? He knew that I was in the club. I could've been anywhere!" I said.

"He's back at the hotel. He's literally going crazy over you...."

I scoffed. "Yeah....I bet. Is Briana grieving with him?" I said.

"Do you want to go see him?" Mandy asked.

"He'll have to come see me first......which won't be happening any time soon."

"Would you like me to tell him anything?" JC said.

"Tell him that I still love him. I mean, you don't just love someone and stop loving them the next day. But, I don't want to be with him right now....he needs to stay away from me for now....." I said.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" Mandy asked.

"No, I don't want it. He needs it....." I said.

As they left the house, I slipped into bed. A tear fell down my face as I drifted to not so sweet dreams.


"What did she say?" Justin said eagerly as Jc walked in the door.

"She needs you to stay away from her, for now....." JC said.

"Stay away from her? I can't do that. She's everything to me....." he said.

"Yeah, well....apparently Briana is too......" JC said.

"What are you saying?" Justin asked.

"What I'm saying is that you're an idiot, Justin. You had it all, man. Brandy was all you needed and you, being your usual self, go off and kiss your ex-girlfriend....." JC said.

"What do you mean my usual self?" Justin said angrily.

"I mean, you're 18 years old. You have no grasp on responsiblity what so ever, and when I actually began to think you have matured, you go and break your best friend's heart. I'm going to bed....." JC said as he left the room.

Justin fell back into the chair. Tears ruthlessly stung his tired eyes as he thought of Brandy. He had make a mistake and he didn't know if he could fix it this time.

I woke up the next day feeling cold and betrayed. The impact of the previous night hadn't sunk into my emotional attachment to Justin, yet. Although he had deliberately ignored my feelings, I still felt a connection to him. He was my heart, my soul, my everything. I couldn't let go no matter how hard I tried.

I went to my job and prayed that Justin wouldn't come by. As soon as my shift was over, I headed to my dance class. I walked in and began to stretch when I saw some girls standing over by the edge of the room.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Brandy! These are for you...." my friend Kitty said.

I looked to see a bouquet of red roses.

"Um, you know what? Why don't you keep them? I mean, you love roses, and I don't have time to keep them alive...." I said as I walked over to the other side of the studio.

She walked over to me. "Brandy? What's wrong, sweetie? You love roses! And they're from.....Justin? Who's he?" she said.

"I really don't want to talk about it right now...." I said.

I struggled through class, and when I stepped out the door, it was pouring down rain.

"Shit...." I muttered under my breath.

I got into my car and headed home. My first day without Justin was over and I could finally relax. At least, I thought I could. As I walked in, I went to run a bath. When I walked in my bedroom, I played my answering machine.

"You have 13 new messages." it said.

I gasped in shock, but listened anyway. No, not all 13 were of Justin. Mandy called ONCE. I erased the tape and turned on the faucets in the bathtub.


"JC, please......just hear me out, ok?" Justin said.

JC sighed in frustration.

"I know I hurt Brandy. What I did last night was stupid and wrong. It was an accident. I don't love Briana, okay? Please, JC. You've been my best friend since we were kids. If you care anything about me or Brandy.........you'll help me get her back." Justin said as he held back his pain.

"Justin, if I help you.....do you promise to love and cherish her with every bit of your heart?"

"JC? Is that you speaking? You sound like a Hallmark card....." Justin said as he laughed.

JC gave him a hard look. "I'm sorry. Yes, I promise.....she's everything to me..." Justin said.

"Great. Now, have you sent roses and clogged up her answering machine?" JC asked.

"Yes, I've done it all...." Justin said proudly.

"You idiot...you're just annoying her now...." JC said as he smiled.

"Well, great one, what do you suggest I do?" Justin asked.

"I've got a plan....." JC said as he and Justin sat down and began to talk.


Brandy sat on her couch watching TV. It was 7:55. She flipped through the channels until she finally turned on MTV. They were showing a repeat of TRL.

"Our number 1 video today comes from none other than *N Sync whith their newest hit, "Come Back To Me". Now, we have someone on the phone who is very special. It's none other than N Sync's own Justin and JC. Hey guys, what's up?"

"Not much, Carson...." JC said.

"Now, I understand that Justin has something special he wants to say to someone......"

"Yeah, Carson. Um, there is this person I know and we're kind of on unsettled terms. I just want you to know that I didn't mean to cause any trouble between us...." he said.

I watched in amazement. I hadn't heard the song, yet. So, I listened.

The day you left me/you said you'd never come back to me/baby, I want you to know it'll be alright/if i ever made you cry at night/i know it all seems so hard to believe/but if i had one wish, girl it would be/for your smile to brighten my day/let the angels carry us away/you are everything i live and breathe/so give me one last thing/come back to me

It was a very soulful ballad. A tear came to my eye. "Brandy, stop! You're getting teary-eyed over a stupid song. It still doesn't replace what he did....does it?" I said to myself. I couldn't hide it anymore. I needed Justin. He made me complete inside.

That night, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see him standing in the rain.

"JC said flowers would annoy you, but...these are your favorites. I remember the days we used to play in the fields on your grandfather's farm. You loved them...." he said.

I held my head down to sheild my tears from him. I felt his hand lift my chin up.

"I love you, Brandy...." he said.

He suddenly lowered his head and our lips met. I began to push away, but for some odd reason, I couldn't. The kiss grew to something of passion and of regret for both of our actions.

"Justin, we need to talk..." I said softly.

"I know.....just let me be with you right now, okay?" he said.

"Okay....." I replied.

Justin and I sat on my couch talking.

"Why did you do it, Justin?" I asked.

"Do what?" he said.

"Kiss Briana....the night you broke up with her...." I said.

"I don't know...." he replied.

"What do you mean, you don't know? Just answer the question, Justin...." I said with annoyance in my voice.

"It was a foolish mistake....." he said.

"Well, when will I expect the next one?" I said coldly.

"Brandy......" he began.

"Save it, Justin! What am I supposed to do? Watch you break my heart and then be required to fall into your arms every time you bring me flowers to apoligize? It doesn't work that way.....it's really going to take a while to gain my trust back...." I said.

"I know it will. But, I've loved you for the past 6 years. I missed the way you used to laugh and smile.....and beat me up...." he said.

I laughed. "Quit making me laugh...." I said.

"Would you rather cry?" he said as he stroked my hair.

"I guess not......I forgive you, I just want you to love me...." I said.

"I do....I never loved Briana.......she was sort of my revenge on the press. But, you are so special, and I want to be with you and only you, always...." he said.

"Are you sure this time?" I said as I looked up at him.

"Completely....I love you so much...." he said.

I lifted my head to join my lips with his and right then our hearts and souls were locked together forever and always.

**************************************THE END!!!!!!!!*****************************************
