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Newspaper Report

Drowning of 5 Children


Terrible Fatality at Port Felix, N.S. Yesterday Afternoon

Locked in Each Other's Arms, the Children went to their Death
Little Boy's Last Message to his Mother

Minnie Fougere Aged 15, the only survivor out of a Merry Party of Berry Pickers -
The Victims were the children of Joseph King and Frank Fougere.

Special to the Morning Chronicle
Whitehead, N.S. Sept.12-

A very sad drowning accident occurred at Port Felix
today by which five young people lost their lives.

The Dead Are:
John Fougere, aged 11.
Maggie Fougere, aged 9.
Clara King, aged 18.
Maggie King, aged 14.
Martin King, aged 12.

Saved: Minnie Fougere, aged 15.

The Fougeres are children of Frank Fougere,
Postmaster and mail driver at East Port Felix.
The Kings are children of Joseph and Mary King,
of Port Felix, and are cousins of the Fougeres.

The Boat capsized

The children left their homes this morning to pick blueberries,
and about six miles back of Port Felix they attempted to cross a lake
in an old leaky flat there for the use of berry pickers.
They succeeded in reaching a small island in the lake by going two at a time in the boat,
but on returning, the six got in,
and when about two thirds of the way across the boat filled and turned bottom up.

Locked in Each others Arms

Maggie Fougere & Maggie King got on the bottom of the craft,
but the boat turned back again, throwing them in the water.
Minnie Fougere then caught the boat and managed to paddle ashore with the boat.
After reaching the shore,
Minnie says she saw the two boys locked in each others arms,
and the two younger girls also had hold of each other,
and the larger girl was sinking.
John Fougere called out to his sister,
to tell his mother he was trying to swim ashore.
The girl hastened to her home,
where she arrived in about two hours.
She still heard those in the water screaming for help after she left the lake.
A large search party left for the scene of the accident,
but when they reached the lake there was nothing to be seen,
and owing to the lateness of the hour,
search for the bodies had to be abandoned till the morning.
Much sympathy is felt for the parents who are nearly distracted.
Mrs. Fougere wired the sad news to her husband,
who is in Rumford Falls, Maine.

Red Bar

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