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Thanks and Disclaimers

First of all, thanks to my friend Jacqui for helping me start my first site, and for always being a good friend. Jacqui, I love you, thank you for all your help and you will always live on in my heart. May you rest in peace.

Thanks to Jennie and Nellie for being great friends online and off, and for providing places to turn to on advice about my stories and sites.

To all my Phantom buddies on the Angel or Phantom list! You guys rock! Vist the list site

Thanks to Gaston Leroux and Andrew Lloyd Webber for making POTO come to life.

To Michael, Sarah, Steve and the rest of the original London cast for providing the CD that never leaves my CD player.

To Brad, Rebecca, and Rick for being the only and therefore best Phantom, Christine, and Raoul I've ever seen.


No characters or storylines belong to me, except for the fanfic stuff. Some pictures are taken from other sites, mostly the official one. Video and audio clips too. Please don't sue. If you see something I'm not supposed to have on my site, let me know and I'll be happy to take it off.