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(left to right:Scott, The Phantom Nut, Bill of ShuckandJive, Jeff Baum, Kim, Jim Sweeney, Matt Sheridan, Sharon or Pastina53..around table left to right:John or Bullz423, Janet Sweeney, Victoria Wagstaffe)

First Gathering of the El Cholites

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Fourth gathering of the El Cholite tribe is to be determined at a later date in August 2000. Since the Elcholites can now find El Cholo's, the tribe is looking into Korean BBQ. Delay is finding one that does not serve dog!!!! Stay tuned!

Thank you for visiting El Cholo. And ask about our special catering service for paralegals, screen writers, Akita owners, illustrators, Air Force generals, Taco Bell salesmen, Getty museum employees, San Diego computer hackers, bank security guards, New Mexico residents, cartoonists, mortgage lawyers, pharmaceutical salesmen, teachers, syndicated radio hosts, syndicated radio producers, accountants, motorcycle racers, motards, spooge demons and magazine editors. We also cater to lost women from Ohio!

Don't forget to ask about our ecclesiastical discount for Joyful Union Congregation members.

All lawyers except World War II vets pay extra!!

Y'all come back and visit again!

And don't forget that Ted Bell Valet Service offers front door parking for all Black BMW's and hot Mustang GT's!!

Check out Duke's in Huntington Beach when we are overbooked! Also Bucca del Beppo in Pasadena is available for El Cholo gatherings.

Need directions to El Cholo's, just go to and hit the maps or directions button.

Phil Hendrie