
R.C. Collins

RC Collins is perhaps the most popular Phil Hendrie guest. This was most obvious as the protests poured in on his scheduled death on August 1, 1999 from renal failure. Whether RC actually died last August will be debated among Hendrie scholars at Pasadena College for years. Proof against his death is the many appearances he has made on the "Stinking Show" since syndication began. RC always opens his calls to Phil with "Great show as always, Phil!"

RC Collins is an obnoxious Gothic 16 year old junior who attends Chatsworth High. His English syntax would indicate that he has missed many English classes for doctor appointments. He has had a series of health problems over his short life. He lost one testicle and has a serious kidney ailment. Doctors predicted that he would die of renal failure by August 1999. Because he is terminal, RC believes he is owed by society and expects numerous gifts and privileges. He has dabbled in Satanism since "God gave me this disease!" Another reason for turning to Devil worship is that "Jesus didn't help me find a kidney!" He also has chlamydia which is interesting since he is still not been laid. He often reminds Phil and the listeners that he has chlamydia and is going to die. His only life goal is to get laid before he died.

RC is one half of the broadcast team of Collins and Dickman who appear sporadically on Friday nights. RC wanted to go all the way with this girl Priscilla but has some reservations because she is"of the Big." His friend Chris Sorenson has gotten "it" from seven girls already who are all "Prime cut." RC is afraid Sorenson and his other friends will make fun of him for getting it from someone "of the Big!" But his real dilemna is that wants to have sex before he dies.

RC is a die-hard Lakers fan. RC can't stand the many Johnny-come-lately Laker fans who are jumping on the Laker band wagon because they think "Showtime" basketball has returned. RC believes that he should be given free tickets to the Laker games because he is on dialysis. RC says he can't afford Laker tickets because of the high ticket prices although he just spent $1000 on Laker paraphanalia. RC is a big basketball fan who loves to play ball while wearing his Goth cape while he takes it to the hoop!

Rc is trying out for the Star Wars Part 2 sequel and is in San Francisco to read for George Lucas. RC feels he has an inside chance to get the role since he is from CA and knows Hollywood better than a kid from North Dakota. He really knows everything about the mythology since he publishes a newsletter about Star Wars called Stars War Newsletter, I Am Your Father.

RC recently wrote a movie script with his friend, Dave Kendall or his friend Derek Knooshman (depending on which part of the hour you listened to). RC was looking for someone to put up the money to put this movie together. As with most things RC is involved in, this movie was half-baked!

Another half-baked project of RC's is the weekly publication of Hollywood News Hotline Weekly. In their list of top celebrities they had Kurt Cobain but not Frank Sinatra. It was only one of many oddball choices RC made on the list.

RC's List of Top Entertainers of 20th Century

RC likes to think he has lots of knowledge of obscure TV facts. In actuality, he finds all his info on an Internet site called TV Party. RC participated with Bud Dickman in the Spooge Demon Bowling Tournament at Schwartz Lanes in San Gabriel, CA.

RC has a way of upsetting Phil with his takes on various things. After Rick Dees sent Phil a muffin basket to congratulate him, RC let Phil know that Rick Dees does that with all his competition just before wiping them out in the ratings.

RC also has the answer on many issues facing Americans today.. For example, RC has the answer for Elian Gonzalez. Elian, according to RC, should make a request of Make A Wish Foundation to make his wish to stay in the US. RC has tried to get Make A Wish to grant his wish to see Brittany Spears areolas and nipples!! Rc was told you have to have a terminal illness to get a wish granted.

RC is Goth and takes on his Goth name of Barnaby Collins. He wears a long dark cape and paints his nails black. Recently the Goths at Chatsworth High got in trouble for publishing a Goth newsletter which has nude pics of some of the female Goths under the name Beaver Hunt. Billy the Impaler also got in trouble and was grounded. RC did not think any of this was fair!

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Special thanks to the Phantom Nut, Nathan Dukes the great Shuck and Jive illustrator for his RC art shown on this page.

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