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Anaheim Concert Pix!

Check out the Anaheim concert pix. I have numbered them so u can scan 2 the bottom and figure who and what they are doing! Ex: next the pic there will be number (ex. 1) and if u scan down and search for the number 1 thingie it will say Nick kissing his hand (remeber thats an example)! Okie Dokie u may move on!!!! (remember most of these are thumbnails u no the routine click they get big yada yada yada)

Mandy Moore Pix (count 2)

OMG it's Mandy Moore i think i am going to cry (note the sarcasm)


EYC Pix count 1. LOL poor poor EYC


BSB Pix!!!count 4 OMG Thats alll (im sorry)

#2 #3 #4 #5

#1 EYC dancing
#2 Before the Anaheim concert
#3 BSB flying the one closed is Nick
#4 AJ on the big screeen
#5 Nick on the big screen

Sorry the pix r far away and i only have 3 BSB pix! they didnt' come out! SOrry ::crying::
