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On 5-8-99 the 20/20 recycling Company had an accident that involved one of their trucks. That accident discharged a "LARGE" amount of a hazardous material (hydraulic fluid) that damaged my 1986 GMC truck, and also contaminated the environment that I live and work in.

The 20/20 Recycling Company ( a company that advertises it is in business to better our ( "ENVIRONMENT" ) failed to properly cleanup a hazardous material spill that they generated.

The 20/20 Recycling Company was inconsiderate when it came to my feelings concerning the damage to my personal property, and was negligent in their actions toward myself, and the damage to my personal property.

Alma Cervantes a representative from the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company representing the 20/20 Recycling Company verbally agreed to repair my vehicle with a complete paint job. (during a phone conversation at my place of employment) Then without my authorization, she sent me an appraisal (from a company she hired), and a check for the repair of the damages to my vehicle that only provided for a detailing and a two-day car rental.

After I received the statement and check from Alma Cervantes, I then sent her e-mail expressing my dissatisfaction with the handling of my claim. There was "NO" return response from her concerning this e-mail.

I then sent a CERTIFIED letter to Joe L. Sinnette President & CEO of Fireman's Fund Insurance Company concerning my dissatisfaction with Alma Cervantes, and the handling of my claim. I received a follow-up letter from C. Timothy Bitner Property Line Claims Manager that stated; that a complete paint job will only be considered if the recommended repairs do not restore my vehicle to its "pre-loss condition".