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Chibi Moon's page

Chibi-usa was first seen in the "Return of Sailormoon" when she suddenly fell from the sky and was taken in by usagi's family. she is the daughter of usagi and mamoru. she was once the evil wicked lady when the dark phantom changed her thoughts and memories of her parents around so that she could be on the dark side but usagi managed to get through to her daughter and they defeated the dark phantom with the powers of two silver imperial crystals. She again appears in Sailormoon Super and she had pretty pathetic attacks that only annoyed the yomas. She again appeared in Sailormoon SuperS and she was basically the main character of the show ans she fell in love with a man named pegasus.he fell in love with her. i personally like chibiusa because she reminds me alot of myself im clumsy and have a temper when it comes to disciplining my mom.

shhh chibi's sleeping.