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The Story Line Of the All Stars RPG

One full month has passed since the Sailor Star saga. All senshis are resting. Makoto is planning to open a resturant, Minako is doing a new comdey movie, Ami is now on the student counsel and head of her class, Sestuna is gone. No one knows where she could have gone. Michuri and Haruka are going to get married soon. Hotaru is with Michuri and Haruka. They are raising her like she is their daughter. Rei Hino is back at her temple studing the japanese reilgion Shinto so she may become a Miko (priestess) on day. Mamuro is going to gradute soon from college. Luna and Artemis are spending more night together than usual. Everyone seems to be having a great time but poor Usagi seems to be only interested in being by herself. She misses her future daughter Chibi Usagi and misses the StarLights, but she has Chibi Chibi around to keep her happy. Everything is calm in Tokyo these day. But alas that calmness shall not last forever. Last in the night from the depth of Space a planent has exploded! Pieces of the fragments from the unknown destoryed world flies down to earth in great speed. Its purpose unknown. The meteor slams down into Japan,Tokyo. The the loud screeching crash awakens everyone in that famous city. Scaring people awake. Dogs bark, babies cry,cars and trucks halt from hearing this sound. Usagi who was dreaming peacefully has awoken from this. "What was that" she asks herself as she walks near the window. But, on another time, another decade and another place, a nearly departed Queen tells her daughter to go back to the past to save the world they once knew. By the help of the mysterious Luna P, this wish is granted as she sends the little pink haired princess and her purple and gray like cat partner to the past earth. In another galaxy, four stars shoot toward earth. They where obviously following that meteor that just struck down on the people of earth. The quartet land in the crater where the meteor is. The giant space rock made out of star dust of worlds long dead moves. Something jumps out the meteor...several somethings do...