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"In Memory of Tara"

A prayer/poem Sara wrote, while waiting to see if Tara would be born ......

Laying in this room
So lonely and dim
The baby inside me so warm within
My baby moves
Though they say she will lose
How can this be?
Please Lord, not me.

I love what's inside me
So close to my heart
I can't stand the thought
Of being apart
I pray and I say
Lord, don't let this be true.

So to my unborn child
Mommy and Daddy love you so
You will always know.

Please choose this place we call the Human Race
The heavens are out there
A beautiful place.
We want you here
Please, Lord wait.
Mommy and Daddy want you to know
We pray and pray that you will grow strong
For with our love you can't go wrong.
Don't leave my heart
Don't leave me
Don't go

Your Mommy

Copyright 1985 ....SJKB

God did grant us a little while before taking her to be with Him.

This page created 10-23-99 for Sara, and dedicated to Tara, by Gram.

** Please do not use any part of this page without my permission **