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December 1, 1999 - Wednesday

Today was a pretty good day. I made a tape of Christmas songs for one of my schools, that was fun. It doesn't really seem to be Christmas time unless I hear Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy by Bing Crosby and David Bowie, or Do They Know It's Christmas by Band Aid, and let's not even mention Bing Crosby's White Christmas . Now I feel all warm and tingly, and I'd like to show some goodwill towards men...if they'd let me!

My lessons went well. I paid my gas bill this morning with no bad happenings on the way there this time. I bought my first class muffins this morning because one of the students always complains about being hungry! They were very well received!

My child lesson went well today too. YAY! No tears were shed. Thank goodness. He had fun, and actually, so did I.

I got out of the office fairly early tonight. That was a nice change. But, tomorrow, I'll be late. Sigh. That's just the way it is I guess.

Later, eh!

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