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December 3, 1999 - Friday

I did a lot of prep work today. I prepared most of my classes for the next three days, but I still need to prepare my kids classes. Why is it that they take longer than any of the rest?

It's getting cold again. My apartment was only 10 degrees when I came home tonight. Hitomi called the kerosene company for me and I got my delivery this morning, so I'll be warm for a bit. Remind me to re-order before the New Years holiday , okay?

In my high school kids class today I started with a review of prepositions of location. I could tell almost immediately that they couldn't remember, or didn't know them very well, so, I ditched my whole lesson plan and winged a review of them. It was great! It was a really good lesson and I think they got it!
They are a really nice class. I enjoy teaching them. (I almost never "wing" things, but I have taught prepositions of location many times, so I did have a pretty good idea of what I was doing.)

All in all, today was a good day at work. Tomorrow I'm a bit busier, but that should make it more interesting!

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