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December 5, 1999 - Sunday

I went to bed very late again last night. I was sending a ton of e-mail and working on my home page again.

Today I got up a bit after noon and showered. Then I went off to the office to meet my two co-workers. We were checking out the restaurant where we are having our Christmas party. After that we had lunch. It was really good. Hitomi had risotto. It was really cool how they made it. They brought in a huge cheese wheel, set it on fire, then put in the rice and mixed it up a bit. Then they put it in her bowl. It was interesting. Very rich. I'm not sure that I could have eaten very much of it.

After that I went shopping, but I didn't buy much. I rented a couple of videos, but the movie channel was having an unscrambled weekend and I got to watch a movie...The Color of Money with Paul Newman and Tom Cruise. It was okay. Tonight I typed all the submissions to the Journal that I edit for students.

And that's it. Pretty dull reading, I'm sorry!

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