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December 9, 1999 - Thursday

I got home around midnight tonight. I wasn't out having a good time though, I was working. I had to do the reporting for our last campaign, and then I prepared one of my classes for tomorrow.

Today when we were having our staff meeting, the strangest thing happened. The power went out! I don't think I've ever had that happen at work here before. It was off for a couple of the buildings around us too. I don't know if it was the storm that did it or what. (Oh yes, in the middle of the day Tsuruoka had thunder and lightening of course and rain.)

I was moderately busy today, with today being a major administration day. I called and talked to all of my teachers, except one...she wasn't in my area today though.

That's about it. Sorry! Believe it or not, my life is not a whirlwind of Japanese-ness. Usually I do pretty mundane things everyday.

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