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December 10, 1999 - Friday

Last night as I tried to post my report and get my email, a terrible thing happened. Nothing. The thunder and lightning that I wrote about earlier must have knocked out my modem. I can't get it to work. I hope to install my other modem this weekend.

I didn't sleep well last night because I was so frustrated and today at work I felt like there was a black cloud over my head. However my first two classes went well, and then I went out for lunch.

When I came back to the office, I had a visitor! My first co-worker, Yoshiko was there. It was so great to see her again. I really miss her. We used to have some crazy times together.

The rest of my classes went well and I blew that popsicle joint at about 10:15. The manager and I went to a small restaurant near the school. I had Tempura was great.

I got home just as it was starting to rain very strongly, so I made it just in time. Now as I write there is torrential rain outside.

I hope to get my other modem working soon so that I can post my entries. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

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