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December 11, 1999 - Saturday

There was a terrible thunderstorm last night just before 3:00am. It woke me up.

Today's lessons went really well. My students did me proud today. It was one of those days where everyone came and really took part.

I asked one of my students in my class to post a message about my modem on my home page. I have to say I hope no-one is worrying about me. Last time my computer went down, my friend called me to see if I was okay. I am, I just can't tell anybody!!

After the lessons, I had to bicycle home. It had started snowing a bit and the wind was was horrible. It was blowing so hard that it nearly knocked me over at times and other times I could barely breathe. My apartment was only 10 degrees when I got home. Tomorrow I hope to cover the windows in the bathroom and kitchen with plastic. It helps insulate the rooms a bit. It gets so cold here. I can't believe that a modern country like Japan doesn't use double glazing. Canada gets much colder, but we build our houses for the weather. (I have read that because of the earthquakes that Japan gets it isn't cost efficient to put two thicknesses of glass in a window as it would cost more to replace.)

And that's it. Not terribly exciting. I hope the snow doesn't last. It will take away my mobility. Sigh.

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