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December 12, 1999 - Sunday

Today was quite productive actually. I did laundry and wrapped my Christmas presents finally. I got them ready to mail. Tomorrow I'll have to attempt sending them.I have 8 packages. I may have to declare bankruptcy after I send them though!

I rented two videos today, and also watched them. I watched "Wag The Dog"-quite funny and "Fallen". I enjoyed it a lot, even though it was a bit spooky. I do enjoy watching Denzel Washington. Also watched The Antique Roadshow and an X-Files movie, even though I'd already seen it.

I didn't really talk to anyone today. My modem is still not working. I'm wondering if the phone is out too. I hope I can fix my modem. I need to try hooking up the new one maybe.

Anyway, that's it for me. I'm off to bed. I'm pretty darn beat. Night

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