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December 15, 1999 -Wednesday

Gentle reader, I'm sorry to write so late. It was in a good cause though. I wrote Christmas Cards for a while. I used up my stockpile and I may have to buy more tomorrow. However, I looked at my list from last year and I received 20 cards. This year I have only received 4. I' m not complaining too much, I've been really bad and I haven't sent mail to a lot of people, but that's pretty bad. What about all the duty cards I should get? I mean the ones from relatives and such.

Work was, again, darn busy. I have so little time these days. Tomorrow I'll be busy too. I'm looking forward to Friday when I can relax a bit. I've only got 4 classes! Time was when I used to think4 was busy!

My child lesson went okay today. He kind of threw a tantrum, but it wasn't a big one. We tried to make snowmen in class (Quick question, how come there aren't snow women??) out of paper.

Speaking of snow, when I was getting ready for work today there was a couple of centimeters of snow outside. I was horrified! When I looked out around 8:00am, there wasn't any, and then just as I was about to leave....snow Snow Snow!
It did vanish by tonight though, which was really nice. It's hard work riding a bike in the snow. I might have walked, but I wanted to take my stamps in to school for Hitomi, so I couldn't. The stamps weigh a ton.

Anyway, I must be off, my futon is calling me! 'Night.

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