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December 17, 1999 - Friday

Today I had a breather. Hurray. I only had four classes, which was a nice change. I like teaching, really I do, and I even dare to think that I'm good at it, but 7 lessons a day is a bit stressful. I did a bit of work for tomorrow too, which was good.

We had a surprise visitor from Head Office today. It was an old manager of mine and it was really nice to see her again. She just came in for a couple of hours.

I think I had a moment of epiphany today, but I forgot what it was about. Don't you hate it when that happens? I do.

I got another piece of Christmas mail today, this time from England. It looks like it is a calendar. That's good. I can always use a new calendar.

Tomorrow I have 6 lessons, plus I'll have to stay late. I don't know when I'll write. I'll do my best though.

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