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December 19, 1999 - Sunday

Today's party was good. It wasn't the best party I've ever had, but it was a good one. It was the best Christmas party I've had here though.

The games went well, and I think everyone had a good time. We went to karaoke after, of course. That was fun! We only went for a couple of hours, but it's been a long time since I went.

It snowed today. Big time snow! Oh my gosh! About 5 or 6 inches. How on earth will I go out shopping tomorrow? I'll have to walk. Or get snow tyres for my bike!

Tonight I basically just came home and watched TV. I didn't do anything special. The Game with Michael Douglas was on, it was okay, and then I watched Ally McBeal.

And that's it. Hitomi and I put a bit of work into this party and it really paid off.

Anyway, that's it for me. Oh yeah, check out my photo page to see pictures from the party!

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